Mobile Networking

Mobile Networking

A key requirement of mobile networking and computing is the ability to access critical services, computing resources, and data anytime and anywhere. Therefore, the mobile network plays an important role in connecting the elements of mobile and pervasive computing systems (i.e., Internet of Things). In addition, distributed network algorithms are used to carry the information flow across this mobile network. The mobile networking and computing group is engaged in advancing these mobile technologies using rigorous theories and system implementations such as next-generation cellular networks, heterogeneous networks, cognitive radio networks, smartphones, tablets, and cloud/edge computing systems.



  • Wireless and Mobile Networks
    • 5G/6G Technology
    • Internet of Things (IoT)
    • ZigBee Technology
    • LoRa Technology
    • RFID Technology
    • Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
    • Mobility and resource management
    • Mobile network protocol design and analysis
    • Cognitive radio networks
    • Vehicular networks
    • Ad hoc and sensing systems
    • Mobile crowdsourcing
  • Edge Computing
    • Multiaccess edge computing (MEC)
    • Virtual machine and containerization
    • Collaborative distributed computing,
    • Mobile federated learning