Honorary Professor
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Prof GAO, Wen
BSc HUST, MSc PhD HIT, PhD Tokyo
ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Research Interests:
Multimedia and Computer Vision, Video Coding, Video Analysis, Multimedia Retrieval, Face Recognition, Multimodal Interfaces, Virtual Reality
Prof HOPCROFT, John E.
BSc Seattle, MS PhD Stanford
Winner of A. M. Turing Award, IEEE Life Fellow, ACM Fellow, AAA&S Fellow, AAAS Fellow, Foreign Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the National Academy of Engineering
Research Interests:
Analysis and Modelling of Large Linked Networks (NSF), Information Forensics (AFOSR)
Prof LEE, Kai Fu
A.B. Columbia, PhD CMU
Chairman and CEO, Sinovation Ventures; President, Sinovation Ventures Artificial Intelligence Institute; IEEE Fellow
Prof ZHAO, Wei
BSc SNNU, MSc PhD UMass Amherst
IEEE Fellow
Research Interests:
Computer Centres, Optimization, Virtual Machines, Virtualization, Internet, Markov Processes, Approximation Theory, Cloud Computing, Computational Complexity