Student Exchange

Student Exchange (Inbound)

Student Exchange (Inbound)

Institutional-Level Exchange Programmes

The Global Engagement Office (GEO)) is the central coordinating unit to provide a wide range of services and support to exchange students including exchange student admissions, orientation programmes, general advising services and the CityU Buddy Scheme etc. Please visit the GEO website for more information.

College-Level Exchange Programmes

The College of Engineering (CENG) has exchange agreements with high education institutions overseas and in mainland China. For admissions information and other details, please the website of College of Engineering.

Departmental-Level Exchange Programme

The Department of Computer Science, CityU has student exchange with the following universities:
Denmark IT University of Copenhagen
France EPITA - Graduate School of Computer Science
Mainland China Tsinghua University
Spain University of Alicante
Taiwan National Taiwan University
United Kingdom Swansea University
Application and admissions for inbound exchange students are coordinated by the partner universities.


Courses offered by CS

Please follow this link to check out the courses offered by CS Department to exchange students.

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