Master of Philosophy /
Doctor of Philosophy in
Computer Science


Curriculum Overview

In addition to the traditional areas of research in computer science, students are encouraged to choose applications from other research areas in science, engineering, and business. Students may also look at the specialised areas of staff members to identify a research area.


Selected Areas for Research Degrees

Multimedia Computing

Computer Vision; Computer Graphics; Audio Analysis; Speech Processing; Natural Language Analysis; Computer Games; Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality; Mixed Reality; Medical Imaging; Image Processing; Image and Video Coding; Human Motion Analysis; Perception, Neuroscience and Brain Informatics; Multimedia Analytics; Multimedia Information Retrieval; Wearable Computing; Social Media; Mobile Media; Pen Computing; Human Computer Interaction; Multi-modal Data Fusion.

Computer Systems and Security

Information Security; Cloud Computing; Internet of Things (IoT); Mobile Computing; Distributed Algorithms and Systems; Data Center Networks; Cyber-Physical Systems; Vehicular Networks; Sensor Networks; Wireless Security; Wearable Sensing; Traffic Estimation; Urban Computing.

Applied Algorithms

Bioinformatics; Data and Internet Security; Equilibrium Algorithms; Scheduling; Applied Cryptography; Algorithmic Game Theory; Heuristics; Blockchain; Cryptocurrency.

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics

Knowledge Management; Data Science; Big Data Analytics; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Database; Optimization; Text Mining; Information Retrieval; Semantic Object Modeling; Data Mining; Data Warehousing; Multimedia Data Indexing; XML and Interoperability; Workflow and Web Services; Recommender Systems; Sentiment Analysis; Deep Learning; Generative Models; Supervised Learning; Semi-supervised Learning; Unsupervised Learning; Neural Networks.

Systems, Software Engineering and Internet Applications

Internet Applications; Embedded Systems; Parallel Architecture; Real-time Systems; Software Engineering; E-commerce; E-learning; Innovative Technology for Education; Programming Languages and Systems; Empirical Software Engineering; Software Data Analytics; Software Quality; System Modelling; Software Defect Prediction; Software Effort Estimation; Software Testing; Software Project Management; Machine Learning in Software Engineering; Decentralized Application; Program Debugging; Intelligent Transportation Systems; Storage Systems.

Evolutionary Computation

Multiobjective Optimization; Swarm Intelligence; Multi-agent Evolutionary Optimization; Neurodynamic Optimization; Intelligent Control; Intelligent Marine Vehicles; Decomposition Based Algorithms; Computational Intelligence; Fuzzy Systems.

Last Updated : 28 AUG 2020