Minor in Computing


Programme Structure

Please refer to ARRO website for more information

Program Structure (For Catalogue Term of Semester A, 2018/2019 and thereafter)

Computer Systems/Networking

(At least one course from the following list)

Code Title Units Pre-requisite(s) Pre-cursor(s) Mutually exclusive with Offered in 2023/2024 Remarks
CS1102 Introduction to Computer Studies 3 NIL NIL CS1302 A and B  
CS2115 Computer Organization 3 Nil Nil   A  
CS2204 Fundamentals of Internet Applications Development 3 Nil Nil CS1303
CS3103 Operating Systems 3 Nil (CS2115
  A and B  
CS3201 Computer Networks 3 Nil NIL CS3270 A  
CS4280 Advanced Internet Applications Development 3 (CS2204)
  Not offered  
CS4284 Mobile Computing 3 CS3201
Nil EE4316 Not offered  
CS4286 Internet Security and E-commerce Protocols 3 CS3201
NIL   B  


Programming and Software Engineering

(At least one course from the following list)

Code Title Units Pre-requisite(s) Pre-cursor(s) Mutually exclusive with Offered in 2023/2024 Remarks
CS1302 Introduction to Computer Programming 3 NIL NIL CS1102 A and B  
CS2311 Computer Programming 3 NIL CS1102
A and B *Effective from Sem A, 2015/16. For those who took before Sem A, 15/16 will not be affected.
CS2360 Java Programming 3 Nil Nil CS2311*
A * Effective from Sem A, 2015/16. For those who took before Sem A, 15/16 will not be affected.
CS3342 Software Design 3 CS2310
NIL   B  
CS3343 Software Engineering Practice 3 CS2310
CS3346 Software Testing and Maintenance 3 CS3342
Nil   B  
CS3356 Managing Software Projects 3 CS3342
Nil IS4500
CS4298 iOS Application Development 3 (CS2311
Nil CS4295 Not offered  
CS4335 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3 Nil CS2468
CS4348 Software Quality Management 3 CS3342
Nil   B  
CS4386 AI Game Programming 3 CS2310
NIL   B  



(Zero or more courses from the following list)

Code Title Units Pre-requisite(s) Pre-cursor(s) Mutually exclusive with Offered in 2023/2024 Remarks
CS2468 Data Structures and Data Management 3 CS2360
Nil   B  
CS3382 Web Usability Design and Engineering 3 Nil (CS1303
  Not offered  
CS3402 Database Systems 3 CS2310
Nil   A and B  
CS3481 Fundamentals of Data Science 3 CS2204 Nil CS4483 B  
CS3483 Multimodal Interface Design 3 CS2310
Nil   A  
CS4186 Computer Vision and Image Processing 3 CS2303
Nil   B  
CS4394 Information Security and Management 3 Nil CS3102
CS4480 Data-Intensive Computing 3 CS3402&CS3481 Nil   A  
CS4487 Machine Learning 3 CS3481 Nil   A  


Last Updated : 26 SEP 2023