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Date Title
29 MAR 2022

CityU’s huge success at Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days 2022; top among local universities for the second year
Researchers at CityU received tremendous accolades at Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days (IGED) 2022 by winning a total of 22 awards, the highest number among local institutions for two years in a row.

23 JUN 2021 Pioneering embedded system and software designs

Professor Kuo Tei-wei, Lee Shau Kee Chair Professor of Information Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering, has been awarded the Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in recognition of his achievements as a pioneer in system and software designs of non-volatile memory.

21 JUN 2021 Four CityU students win Innovation and Technology Scholarship

Four students from CityU won the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2021, receiving HK$150,000 each for activities including overseas exchange, local internship and mentorship programmes.

10 JUN 2021 Outstanding CityU students pursue study dreams after winning scholarships

Aspiring to serve underprivileged communities in Hong Kong, two outstanding undergraduates from CityU stood out among participants from other local universities to win the HSBC Overseas Scholarship 2021/22.

07 JUN 2021 Two outstanding research projects clinch major Ministry of Education awards

A research collaboration on geotechnical structures in hydraulic engineering and another one on video coding technology developed at CityU have won major Ministry of Education awards.

31 MAY 2021 Award-winning CityU educators empower student driven learning

Adopting a student-centred approach to acquiring knowledge is the teaching philosophy mutually shared by the Teaching Excellence Award winners at CityU this year.


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