
26 APR 2024

Distinguished Paper Award at the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024)

Prof ZHAO Qingchuan, in collaboration with two CS PhD students CHEN Yongliang and TANG Ruoqin and four fellow scholars, have been awarded the Distinguished Paper Award at the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024) in Lisbon, Portugal.  This conference is a premier event in the field of software engineering.

The paper, titled “Attention! Your copied data is under monitoring: A systematic study of clipboard usage in Android apps“, addresses an issue in mobile operating systems.  The paper highlights the risks associated with insufficient access control on the clipboard, which can potentially expose data to threats as one app can access and store data copied in other apps, or even transmit it to remote servers.  The team proposed an automated tool, ClipboardScope, which leverages principled static program analysis to uncover clipboard data usage in mobile apps.  Furthermore, they identified a prevalent programming habit of using the SharedPreferences object to store historical data, which could become an unnoticeable privacy leakage channel.

16 FEB 2024

Gold Award at the Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024 & Bronze Award under the Sustainability & ESG - Student Group category

Our Year 2 BSc Computer Science student Mr NG Cheuk Yiu, has won the Gold Award at the Hong Kong Techathon+ 2024, which took place from 26 to 28 January.  He teamed up with Mr CHENG Chit Yuen, a CityU student minoring in Computer Science, along with 2 other CityU students as well as 4 students from other universities. Their team excelled under the Trusted AI & Data Science - Student Group category and shared a cash prize of HKD$10,000.  In addition, our Year 3 BSc Computer Science student Mr LABIB Mahir, along with his teammates from other local universities, has won the Bronze Award under the Sustainability & ESG - Student Group category and shared a cash prize of HKD$2,000. 

This year marked the 8th anniversary of the Hong Kong Techathon+ with over 1,500 participants.  The competition remained a thrilling challenge where the shortlisted programmers and engineers could network, have fun and collaborate to develop innovative and implementable tech solutions.  The event was primarily organized by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, with support from local and overseas universities, including HK Tech 300 of CityU. 

18 JAN 2024

Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Scholarship

Our 2023 BSc Computer Science graduate Ms LIU Wei, has been awarded the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Scholarship at the HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members’ Reception on 13 January 2024.   

The HKIE Scholarship recognizes academic achievements of outstanding engineering students, and aims at identifying their potential and developing them into future engineers.  Ms Liu graduated with First Class Honours and was awarded the Dean’s List and various scholarships for multiple times during her study in CityU.  

03 JAN 2024

1st place among Hong Kong teams and ranked 11th worldwide in the 2023 IEEEXtreme 17.0 Programming Competition

Our BSc Computer Science students Zhehan YU, Shangkun ZHENG and Visiting Research Student (CS) Yixiong GAO, supervised by Prof Minming LI and Prof Ray CHEUNG, have secured the 1st place among Hong Kong teams and ranked 11th worldwide in the 2023 IEEEXtreme 17.0 Programming Competition

IEEEXtreme is a global challenge where teams of IEEE student members compete against each other over a 24-hour period to solve a set of programming problems.  The IEEEXtreme 17.0, which kicked off on 28 October 2023, saw participation from over 17,000 participants from the world’s top universities.  Despite the competition pushing the mental, physical, and psychological boundaries of all participants, our team persevered and achieved this impressive result.