
06 DEC 2019

First Place Award in the iDASH Privacy & Security Workshop 2019

A joint team of undergraduate students from the City University of Hong Kong and Zhejiang University won the First Place Award in the “Track 3: Privacy-preserving Machine Learning as a Service on SGX” of the iDASH Privacy & Security Workshop 2019 - Secure Genome Analysis Competition, held in October 2019 in Bloomington, Indiana USA, under the joint supervision of Dr Cong WANG (CityU) and Prof Yajin ZHOU (Zhejiang U).

Team members (in alphabetical order):
Yuan CHEN (Zhejiang U)
Zixuan HUANG (CS, CityU)
Qiyuan LIANG (CS, CityU)
Jinyan XU (Zhejiang U)

Co-organized by the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of California, San Diego, School of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, and School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, the Competition aims to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art methods that ensure rigorous data confidentiality during data analyses in a cloud environment, with participation from prestigious IT companies and prominent universities worldwide. The joint team of CityU and Zhejiang U outperformed the teams from Baidu X-lab and Google, Ant Financial Service Group, China, and ByteDance, achieving the First Place in the highly competitive challenge.

06 DEC 2019

Best Paper Award in the 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (DataCom) 2019

Mr Zhi ZENG, a PhD student, and his supervisor Dr Ted CHOW, together with Dr Jiadong ZHANG, a 2015 PhD graduate, received the Best Paper Award for their co-authored paper titled "SSN: A Spatial Semantic Network for High-accuracy, Stable and Generalized Intent Detection" in the 5th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (DataCom) 2019 held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in November 2019.

DataCom is an international forum for engineers and scientists to present their ideas and experiences in the field of Big Data intelligence and computing.

23 OCT 2019

Silver Award of HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award 2019

Mr Ching Nam HANG, a BScCS 2019 graduate and a PhD student, won the Silver Award of HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition Award 2019 for his final year project titled “Large Graph Mining: Subgraph Isomorphism, ” under the supervision of Dr Chee Wei TAN. Mr Hang received a cash prize of HK$20,000 with a Certificate of Merit.

Organized by the Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (HKEIA), the Competition aims to recognize and reward students with outstanding projects which demonstrate excellence in technology and innovation.

23 OCT 2019

Best Paper Award in the IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS) 2019

Mr Ning LI, a PhD student, and his supervisor Dr Ted CHOW, together with Dr Jiadong ZHANG, a 2015 PhD graduate, received the Best Paper Award for their co-authored paper titled "Seeded-BTM: Enabling Biterm Topic Model with Seeds for Product Aspect Mining" in the IEEE 5th International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS) 2019 held in Zhangjiajie, China in August 2019.

DSS provides a prime international forum for researchers, industry practitioners and domain experts to exchange the latest advances in Data Science and Data Systems as well as their synergy.