News 2018 東網 - 27 December 2018


Article by Andy Chun on Big Data and AI developments in Hong Kong, as well as examples and success stories from industry. He also highlighted the annual HK ICT Awards and its Big Data/Open Data award that Chun is the Chief Assessor for. [read] 

Chun's article on big data / open data in HK

Computerworld HK - 7 December 2018

Artificial Intelligence Takes Shape

This Computerworld article explores current state of AI development in Hong Kong. Andy Chun shared his views on AI deployment trends in Hong Kong, as well as challenges and opportunities. [read] 

article on current AI state in HK

South China Morning Post - 6 December 2018

Mutal Attraction: The Future Trends of Compensation and Benefits

The SCMP article summarizes discussions made at the annual HR Conference, organized by the Classified Post. Andy Chun shared his views on how AI is revolutionising HR and the challenges to find ways to retrain/upskill those whose jobs might be affected by AI, so that they can remain productive members of society. [read]  [pdf] 

article summarizing talks at the SCMP HR Conference

Edmonton Journal - 5 December 2018

From surveillance to convenience apps, China is spending billions on artificial intelligence startups

This Canadian news article highlights current AI development in China. Chun shared his views on China's 'holy grail of data' advantage, and the role that plays in machine learning. Chun also shared China's national strategy on AI and potential benefits to China's over billion population. [read] 

article on current AI state in HK

Wen Wei Po 文匯報 - 7 November 2018

打造智慧灣區 陳冬冀港IT業抓機遇

Article on the opening ceremony speech by Mr Chen Dong, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HK SAR, at the HK International Computer Conference (HKICC). Mr. Chen talked about his hope and aspiration for the IT industry in the Greater Bay Area. Andy Chun was the Program Chairman for the 2018 HKICCC. [read]  [pdf] 

Mr Chen Dong's speech at the HKICC opening ceremoney

Takungpo 大公報 - 7 November 2018


Article on the opening ceremony speech by Mr Chen Dong, Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HK SAR, at the HK International Computer Conference (HKICC). Mr. Chen talked about his hope and aspiration for the IT industry in the Greater Bay Area. Andy Chun was the Program Chairman for the 2018 HKICCC. [read] 

Mr Chen Dong's speech at the HKICC opening ceremoney

Ants Public - 7 November 2018


Article on the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong International Computer Conference that Andy Chun was the Program Chairman for. [read] 

Ant Public article on HKICC opening ceremoney

HKSAR Government - 6 November 2018

Speech by Secretary for Innovation and Technology at Hong Kong International Computer Conference 2018

Transcript of speech by Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr. Nicholas Yang, at the opening ceremony of the Hong Kong International Computer Conference (HKICC). This year's conference theme was 'Building a Smarter Bay Area through Technology Leadership.' Andy Chun was the Program Chairman for the 2018 HKICCC. [read] 

Mr Nicholas Yang's speech at the HKICC opening ceremoney

Global Accounting Alliance - 19 October 2018

AI on the rise

In this article in the international journal GAA Accounting, Andy Chun shared his views on the current state of AI, particularly developments in General AI and common sense intelligence, and why that is an important challenge for the future of AI. [read] 

article on AI and accounting

SCMP Classified Post - 6 October 2018

Building agile and resilient workforces is the focus of this year's HKIHRM Annual Conference and Exhibition

The article introduces the most important people management events in Asia, the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management's (HKIHRM) two-day annual conference to help HR practitioners remain at the forefront of industry change in the digital age. Andy Chun, outline the benefits and opportunities, as well as challenges and threats AI can bring to an organisation, particularly from a HR perspective. [read] 

article introduces the HKIHRM Annual Conference

Computerworld HK - 11 September 2018

AI Realities Discussed at Economist Event in Hong Kong

The article summarizes discussions made at The Economist's Innovation Summit held in Hong Kong. Andy Chun shared his views on regulating AI, suggesting some sort of certification might be needed to measure the breadth and depth of knowledge contained in the various AI system, especially those that might have impact to human lives. [read] 

article summarizing talks at the Economist Innovation Summit

IT Times/e-zone - 6 September 2018

AI人工智能實戰 中小企全方位受惠(下)

The popular IT Times' ezone magazine included an excerpt of Andy Chun's talk on the challenges of AI development, such as avoiding biased decisions due to inherent biases in big data used for machine learning. [read] 

article summarizing talks at AI Summit

RTHK 香港電台 - 5 September 2018


RTHK's weekly TV series on finance. The show interviewed Ricky Wong, founder of HKTV, on AI's impact to business. Andy Chun provided additional commentary on AI. [video] 

RTHK TV show on AI

A+ magazine - August 2018

AI: Reshaping Business

A+ is the official magazine for the HK Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In its August issue, Andy Chun provided expert opinion on applications of AI to the accounting profession. [read]  [pdf] 

A+ magazine 2018 August edition

Hong Kong Economic Times - 13 August 2018

內地發展AI 拓基建培育人才

Andy Chun's article in the HK Economic Times on how China is laying the foundation for its AI Strategic Plan, by investing in talent and the nurturing of the next generation through computational thinking and AI programming skills. [read] 

Andy Chun's newspaper article of how China is nurturing AI talent

醫理說 - 5 August 2018

當人工智能碰上醫療 新一波佈局蓄勢待發?

Medical magazine interview of Andy Chun on his views of the transformational force of AI for the healthcare industry. Andy Chun highlighted some of the current trends in using AI for diagnosis, the advantage China has in this area, as well as challenges moving forward. [read] 

Magazine article of Andy Chun's view of AI in healthcare

香港商報 - 2 August 2018


News coverage of the AI Summit 2018 that was held in Hong Kong, Asia's largest AI event of business. Report summarized Andy Chun's opening speech on AI progress made in Hong Kong and Asia Pacific over the past year. [read] 

HK Commerical Daily's news article covering the AI Summit in Hong Kong

GovInsider - 27 July 2018

Fighting Fake News with AI

GovInsider interviewed Dr. Chun to explore the issues and challenges in using AI to combat the problem of fake news. Dr. Chun explained how there is no one stop solution, but an on-going battle. [read] 

GovInsider interview with Andy Chun on AI and fake news

TechWire Asia - 27 June 2018

China's quest for better healthcare with AI

TechWire explores China's quest for better healthcare with AI, quoting Andy Chun on why the medical profession is particularly well suited to the use of AI, and the key areas AI can be used in healthcare. [read] 

TechWire Asia quotes Andy Chun on AI in health care in China

South China Morning Post - 24 June 2018

Artificial intelligence's greatest contribution may be in health care, and China is leading the way

Andy Chun's article in SCMP describes current developments in AI for health care in China, and how China is leveraging it to meet the needs of its massive population. [read] 

Andy Chun's article on AI in health care China in SCMP's Insight & Opinion column

IT Times/e-zone - 12 Jun 2018

中國發展 AI人工智能的有利因素

Andy Chun's article in Hong Kong's popular IT magazine on key factors influencing AI development in China, focusing on market, talent, startup ecosystem, and policies. [read] 

ComputerWorld's article on Blackbox AI

Computerworld HK - 1 Jun 2018

Demystifying black box AI

AI is accelerating, with many industries already using it in their business operations. It is playing an increasingly influential role in businesses and daily lives, providing decisions, recommendations, or predictions to people. However, AI has raised a range of concerns. Black box AI is one of them. ComputerWorld interviewed Andy Chun on his views on this, as well sa how GDPR might impact AI application development. [read] 

ComputerWorld's article on Blackbox AI

CityU CSE WeChat Channel - 1 Jun 2018


CityU's College of Science and Engineering (CSE) WeChat channel's special article on AI. Andy Chun was interviewed to share what he felt were the key research directions and challenges for AI in the coming years. [read] 

CityU CSE's article on AI

明報 - 27 May 2018

AI金融 無敵方便背後

MingPao Daily interviewed Andy Chun for their article on AI and Fintech. Dr. Chun shared his view of current developments in AI/Fintech, covering topics such as chatbots, robo-advisor, deep-learning, and blockchain. [read] 

MingPao's article on AI and FinTech

星島日報 - 12-13 May 2018

中國人工智能發展贏 在起跑綫

Andy Chun's article in the Singtao Daily on current development of AI in China, highlighting China unique advantages in strategy, availability of data, venture capital, and talent. [read]  [part 1]  [part 2] 

part 1 of article on AI in China

新浪新闻中心 - 23 April 2018


Sina News Center reported on Andy Chun's article in the SCMP about the status of AI development in China. [read] 

Sina news article relating to Andy Chun's SCMP article on AI in China

South China Morning Post - 22 April 2018

China's AI dream is well on its way to becoming a reality

Andy Chun's article in SCMP shares his view that China seems to have all the pieces in place to achieve the goals of its artificial intelligence strategic road map - from a vibrant start-up culture to government support and a population enthusiastic about technology. [read] 

Andy Chun's article on AI in China in SCMP's Insight & Opinion column

BC Business (Canada) - 18 April 2018

AI could help solve many global problems, but job losses are just one of its potential perils

Will artificial intelligence save the world or bring on the end of humanity? This article summarizes recent panel discussion at the Asia-Pacific Business Forum (APBF) at Cyberport in Hong Kong. Andy Chun presented his view on how AI might help reach United Nation's Sustainability Goal for Education, but at the same time might take away some of the existing educators' jobs. [read] 

Article summarizing APBF panel discussion on AI

电子说 (Shenzhen) - 15 April 2018


Article highlights panel discussions at the 2018 Startup Launchpad on recent AI developments. Panel discussed a wide range of topics, including startup opportunities. Andy Chun shared his view on AI trends, HK startup ecosystem, challenges and opportunities, as well as AI talent development. [read] 

Article summarizing Startup Launchpad panel discussion on AI

China Policy Institute - April 2018

Is China Fast Becoming a Major Force in AI?

This article was written by Andy Chun, analyzing the factors that are influencing China's ability to become the AI innovation leader by 2030. The article was published by the University of Nottingham's China Policy Institute. [read] 

Andy Chun's article on factors affecting China's ability to become AI leader

中青在线 - March 2018


This China Youth Online article summarizes China's talent pool challenges as reported by various foreign news media. Andy Chun's opinion of the huge career potentials in China for overseas students was highlighted. [read] 

China Youth Online article on China's talent challenges

GovInsider - February 2018

How natural language processing will change governments

This GovInsider article explores possible uses of AI natural language processing within Government agencies, as well as highlighting challenges, such as fake news and cyber attacks. Andy Chun shared some of his views on the use of chatbots for government online service support. [read] 

GovInsider article on NLP for government

Financial Times - February 2018

China in push to lure overseas tech talent back home

This Financial Times article analyzed how Chinese government and corporations are aggressively luring overseas AI tech talents back to China to satisfy to rapid growing needs in China's domestic market. Andy Chun was interviewed for his opinion on this phenomenon. [read]  [FT中文网]  [财经网]  [自由亚洲电台移动流媒体] 

Financial Times article on China AI talent acquisition - February 2018

助企業迎接新科技機遇,HPE 創新峰會 2018 探討人工智能應用

人人都說人工智能是當今 一門重要技術,但是否人 人都懂得藉此提升企業競 爭力呢?早前由 HPE 舉辦的 Tech Summit 2018 分享企業採用人工智能 技術的心得和方案,助把 握新技術帶來的機遇。香 港城市大學電腦科學系副 教授陳漢偉於活動講解人 工智能、物聯網、區塊鏈 的「三角關係」。 [read] 

Unwire article on 2018 HPE Tech Summit

Computerworld HK - February 2018

HKCS Consolidates Special Interest Groups

HKCS has revealed plans to restructure to reflect the interests of its members and evolving trends in the IT industry. The organization will consolidate its existing seven special interest groups (SIGs) into four, to be focused on artificial intelligence, financial technology, cyber security and enterprise architecture respectively. The AI SIG will be convened by CityU's Dr Andy Chun. [read] 

Computerworld HK article on new HKCS specialist groups

The Atlantic - January 2018

Building Sustainable Urban Mobility

The Atlantic's The Possibility Report is a multi-part series that explores how new technologies will reframe our understanding of the world. In its urban mobility article, it mentioned that Hong Kong, Zurich, and Paris ranks highest in worldwide mobility index. Andy Chun work on AI at MTR was the main contributing factor for Hong Kong's high ranking in the world. [read] 

The Atlantic article on urban mobility