News 2019

South China Morning Post - 26 December 2019

2019 was the year AI became a political, human rights and trade issue. Where does this leave China's AI superstars?

Some of China's most prominent AI start-ups were put on a US trade blacklist this year, as the industry faces greater scrutiny from the world's largest economy. The politicisation of AI threatens to further widen the divide between the world's two biggest economies. SCMP interviewed Andy Chun on his opinion on AI developments in China. [read]  []  [Star Online] 

SCMP's article on US-China tech war

South China Morning Post - 18 December 2019

China dreams of becoming an AI utopia, pushing beyond surveillance and into education and health care

South China Morning Post's four-part series examining the brewing US-China war over the development and deployment of artificial intelligence technology. In this 4th instalment, SCMP interviewed Andy Chun on China's progress in using AI to address social issues such as education, health care and agriculture, particularly in rural areas. [read] 

SCMP's 4th article on AI and US-China tech war

South China Morning Post - 30 November 2019

New Grads to Factor in AI

South China Morning Post's special 'Management Trainee Guide' insert interviewed Andy Chun to provide some guidance on the current job marketing in Hong Kong as well as AI skill sets that new graduates should try to acquire regardless of background. [pdf] 

SCMP's Management Trainee Guide

Hong Kong Economic Times - 香港經濟日報 - 12 November 2019

人臉辨識應用 如何平衡私隱?

Article by Andy Chun on AI face recognition technology and the issue of data privacy. Chun highlights recent AI developments and applications in face recognition, as well as potential issues relating to privacy and trust. [read] 

Chun's article in HKET on face recognition 東網 - 25 September 2019

人工智能辨識 應用商機無限

Article by Andy Chun on potential applications of AI face recognition technology to tasks such as facial analytics that has wide benefits cross many different industries. Despite convenience, Chun argues that issues such as privacy, ethics, and moral use of technology should always be considered. [read] 

Chun's article on applications of facial analytics

South China Morning Post - 14 September 2019

When it comes to using AI, the real question is one of trust

Andy Chun's article in SCMP on face recognition and facial analytics, outlining issues of privacy, biases, security, and trust. Chun argues that mechanisms need to be put in place to ensure users can trust recommendations, predictions and decisions made by AI systems. AI needs to be explainable rather than a black hole. [read] 

Andy Chun's article on face recognition and facial analytics

CIO Advisor - September 2019

Digital Transformation and AI: It is Really all about Customer Experience

Andy Chun shared his thoughts on digital transformation in the CXO Insights column of the CIO Advisor magazine, which focuses on digital innovations in APAC. Chun highlighted the role of AI in digital transformation should start with improving the overall customer experience. [read] 

Andy Chun's article on AI, digital transformation, and customer experience

South China Morning Post - 24 June 2019

How the Greater Bay Area can be Silicon Valley, Wall Street and - with Hong Kong's help - a global AI centre all at once

Andy Chun's article in SCMP outlining how Hong Kong together with the Greater Bay Area, can be a global force in Artificial Intelligence, leveraging HK's advantage in research universities and financial hub status. [read] 

Andy Chun's article on AI developments in Hong Kong; a SCMP Opinion article

東方日報 - 12 June 2019

四專家教路 美科技ETF吸金

Article analyzing the potentials of various US-listed technology ETFs. Chun provided his opinion on the importance of AI-related and fintech ETFs, pointing out that AI is the secret sauce behind digital transformation, while fintech companies are creating new models and new opportunities in financial transactions. [read] 

Oriental Press article analyzing potentials of ETF

South China Morning Post - 12 April 2019

Microsoft's AI research with Chinese military university fuels concerns

AFP reported on Microsoft's research work with the National University of Defence Technology in China. Research work covers AI face recognition and NLP, triggering worries over China-US academic partnerships and Beijing's hi-tech surveillance drive. Andy Chun was interviewed on his opinion of the potential impact of this research work. [read] 

SCMP article on Microsoft Research with China

Computerworld HK - 27 March 2019

Open data and AI - A powerful combination

Article by Andy Chun on how big data/open data and AI forms a powerful combination. He also shared his views on current AI development in Hong Kong. [read] 

Computerworld article by Chun on big data/open data and AI

RTHK - 3 March 2019

飛越大中華 - 大灣區的人工智能發展

RTHK interviewed Chun on AI development in the Greater Bay Area. Chun shared his view on Hong Kong's unique positioning and advantage, as well as advice on how to leverage this precious opportunity. (audio is in Putonghua/Cantonese - starts at 25 minutes) [audio] 

RTHK interview audio (starts at 25 minutes)

Arirang TV 아리랑 TV (South Korea) - 3 February 2019

The Global State of the 4th Industrial Revolution

Arirang TV is a global English-language television network based in Seoul, South Korea. In a recent episode on the global state of the 4th industrial revolution, Andy Chun was interviewed on the current state of AI development in China and its potential global impact. [video] 

Arirang TV episode on global state of 4th industrial revolution

Recruit - 2 February 2019


Andy Chun's article on current AI talent development in Hong Kong. The article mentions Hong Kong Government's $50 billion investment in high-tech areas such as biotechnology, ICT, AI, big data, and fintech. Chun also highlighted Hong Kong's AI successes. [read] 

Chun's article on HK AI talent development

東方日報 - 22 January 2019


Article on the explosion of co-working spaces in Hong Kong. Andy Chun was interviewed on the value of co-working spaces to support Hong Kong innovation and startup development, as well as winning strategies for companies offering co-working spaces. [pdf] 

Article on HK co-working space

東方日報 - 22 January 2019


Article on how Hong Kong is nurturing AI talent as well as the local AI job market. Andy Chun was interviewed on how universities in Hong Kong are creating new courses and curricula to satisfy the demand for AI talents. [read]  [pdf]  [東方日報] 

Article on HK AI market and talent development