MTR Corporation of Hong Kong, for example, uses AI to streamline and automate their quarterly planning and weekly scheduling of all engineering works. The solution helps them to maximise their resource utilization while adhering to all the maintenance rules, regulations and guidelines. As a result, MTR has realized an improvement of more than 50% in overall maintenance efficiency in addition to significant savings in cost and time. [read]
GovInsider interviewed Dr. Andy Chun to better understand what is AI and why is it important. But most importantly for this magazine is how AI can be used for government applications and what benefits it might bring to citizens; examples from Hong Kong were given. [read]
This ComputerWorld article outlines the challenges CityU faces in provided a secured environment that supports mobility. Dr. Andy Chun explains the rationale and benefits behind CityU's implementation of a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platform. [read]
The information age article highlights many areas that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already making an impact in the railway industry. One of the applications is the MTR AI application designed by Dr. Andy Chun. [read]
This is an article on cognitive computing. It used IBM Watsons as an example, as well as Dr. Andy Chun's AI system for railway maintenance scheduling. It commented that Dr. Chun's AI work is a form of encoding "tribal knowledge," which can be a valuable corporate asset that can be lost when someone moves to a new job or leaves the company. [read]
This article describes how Hong Kong's MTR uses AI to make it one of the most efficient in the world. Dr. Andy Chun explains how AI captures human knowledge and expertise: "Preguntamos a expertos que harían a la hora de tomar cierta decisión y lo transformamos en código." [read]
Software-defined networks (SDN) can give IT the agility and flexibility to manage today's dynamic data centers and private cloud infrastructures. In this article, US Computerworld magazine interviewed early adopters, including CityU, have already jumped on board. Dr. Andy Chun explained CityU's strategy in this area. [pdf]
Huffington Post article on AI and its potential impact to soceity. It quoted Dr. Andy Chun's AI work with the MTR as an example of future "AI boss" that gives orders to humans to perform daily maintenance and engineering works. [read]
In 2010, Dr. Andy Chun led CityU in a new cloud-first strategy. Instructure interviewed Dr. Andy Chun on how CityU leveraged the cloud-based Canvas platform to support modern pedagogies. Its goals were to enable student-centred learning and to improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This case study explains the benefits to teaching/learning at CityU. [pdf]
A translated article in Russian that talks about the MTR Super Operation Control Center as well as Dr. Chun's artificial intelligence scheduling software that is used there. В это времяпоследнийпоезд гонконгской подземки отправляется в депо, и в дело вступает десятитысячная армия ремонтных рабочих, чьи действия координирует искусственный интеллект (ИИ). [read]
The Peak magazine interviewed Dr. Andy Chun to understand current trends in AI and its applications in Hong Kong. Dr. Chun highlighted current research in deep learning, as well as applications to business optimization. Dr. Chun said: "Use AI to provide higher quality, more accurate, more intelligent services. That's where the money is at." [pdf]
Ming Pao reported on the signing of the AI Open Letter that encourages the development of AI to maximize the societal benefits, instead of military purposes. Dr. Chun is one of the scientists in Hong Kong who signed the petition. He offered his opinion of how the barrier of entry into AI development has substantially be lowered in recent years, therefore it is important that scientists not lose sight of using AI to make life better for mankind instead of for warfare. [read]
CityU's "E-Learning Cloud Transformation Project" led by Dr. Andy Chun, was listed in the annual CIO 100 index to be among the top 100 IT projects in this region. The index is compiled by the CIO Asia magazine annually. [pdf]
echo360 case study on CityU's use of lecture capture to enhance its e-learning ecosystem. Dr. Andy Chun (CIO) explains the importance and use of lecture capture, as part of then flip classroom pedagogy at CityU. [read]
CityU's mobile app accessibility project was led by Dr. Andy Chun. It received the "Gold Award" from the HK Government for making its native mobile apps accessible, so that even persons with blindness can easily navigate and understand our mobile apps on smart phones and tablets. The two apps that received the "Gold Award" included the Mobile AIMS and Mobile CAP apps. [read]
CityU received the "Triple Gold Award" for achieving "Gold" web accessibility status three years in a row. The award recognizes companies that have made their websites accessible to all people, regardless of abilities/disabilities. This project was led by Dr. Andy Chun. [read]
The rapid pace of advancement in computer technology, especially in AI, has been quite alarming. RTHK's Life and Death TV series explored the possibility of "extending" life through virtualized existence using AI. They interviewed Dr. Andy Chun, who is the local computer expert in the AI field. [read]
The CNN article describes MTR as the world's most envied metro system. One of the story highlights is how MTR used an integrated Artificial Intelligence system to increase efficiency. [read]
The CNN photo essay describes the complexity of MTR's nightly maintenance work, using railway track change as an example. Engineering works like this are all scheduled using an AI Engine developed by Dr. Andy Chun. [read]
This report from Deloitte Review explored new opportunities for AI in business. Dr. Andy Chun shared his experience in using AI to help businesses to operate more efficiently and effectively using scheduling and optimization technology. [read]
The Public Sector magazine is a leading publication for the public sector in UK. Dr. Chun's article explains how MTR uses AI technology to optimize its engineering works scheduling/optimization. [read]