The Internet of Everything (IoE) is all about connecting people, process, data, and things in innovative ways. And if you think that's just a nice vision for the future, look no further than the Hong Kong subway system - preferably after midnight. That is when the last train rolls off the tracks and an army of about 10,000 maintenance people spring into action with their human actions carefully coordinated by a non-human intelligence. An algorithm-driven artificial intelligence (AI) system monitors the entire subway line to determine critical maintenance tasks and sends crews out accordingly. [read]
Dr. Andy Chun gave a talk to a delegation comprising 42 officials from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia learned about the Paperless Office Project implemented at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) during a visit on 3 December. [read]
HK ComputerWorld magazine interviewed Dr. Andy Chun and reported on how CityU leveraged Oracle Exadata platform to address the performance challenges during the add/drop period when potentially hundreds/thousands of students change their courses at the same time. [read]
OpenGov special article on applications of big data technology to higher education. In the interview, Dr. Andy Chun highlighted the value of big data for MOOC (Massively Open Online Courses) to generate meaningful analytics to support the teaching of potentially thousands of students in a class. [read]
Dr. Andy Chun was interviewed by the Timeout Magazine on applications of AI technology in HK. Although it may appear that Hong Kong is behind the market and the juggernaut evolution of our tech counterparts in Silicon Valley and Shenzhen, there's actually a movement gathering incredible force - an almost invisible network of development, technology and data research happening behind closed doors. [pdf]
The Popular Mechanics magazine identified 5 technologies that could save the New York Subway. One of them was Dr. Andy Chun's AI technology to use AI to manage Maintenance. The magazine says: "New York City's subway is perpetually falling apart. These things happen when you have a sprawling, century-old network running around the clock. Maintenance teams fight the forces of decay across 840-plus miles of track, 468 stations, and more than 6,000 train cars. Scheduling all the needed emergency and routine maintenance tasks is a logistical nightmare and, with line closings and reroutings, a constant nuisance for riders." [read]
Business Quotient Journal's cover story on Dr. Andy Chun and how he leverages technology to nurture next generation of 21 century talents. 隨著數碼科技的發展,全 球知識量在急速增長並廣 泛流傳,大學作為傳授知 識的機構,對知識管理更 高度重視。 商智謀略特別 訪問了城大資訊科技總監 陳漢偉博士,為大家分享 21 世紀大學的知識管理方略。 [read]
The City University of Hong Kong recently invested US$1 million to upgrade its enterprise storage infrastructure. Dr Andy Chun, told FutureGov how the project improved his team's productivity, saved operating costs and reduced the university's carbon footprint. [image]
The OpenGov magazine published an article on how HK's MTR used AI to maintain its trains. The article interviewed Dr. Chun and highlighted the benefits of using AI for scheduling and optimization. [read]
Slashdot is the leading social media destination for technology professionals and IT decision makers. The "slashdot interviews" is an open forum for anyone to ask questions to an invited guest. Dr. Chun was invited to answer questions on AI in this session in which numerous highly interesting questions were asked. [read]
大學資訊科技環境的複雜程度絕不下 於商業機構。如何運用資訊科技輔助 教學、研究和行政, 是大專院校 CIO 當前面對的一大難題 。近年提倡「反轉教室」( Flip Classroom ), 改變過往單向學習模式,一切都是由 IT 支援。陳漢偉博士從香港城市大學電 腦科學系助理教授轉任資訊總監, 熟悉最新科技發展,肩負大學的 IT 使 命,支持知識的創新。 [pdf]
Performing maintenance on Hong Kong's sprawling subway system presents an immense challenge, particularly given the extensiveness of the city's underground railway network and the sheer density of the urban population which it serves. In order to coordinate this army of underground metro engineers, MTR Corporation has made recourse to an artificial intelligence system which is capable of scheduling their work tasks with far greater speed and efficiency than the human mind can achieve. [read]
The AI calculates the most efficient assignments while adapting to new information in just a matter of seconds. With smarter assigning, engineers have more time to completely their nightly duties. On average, the AI saves two days worth of time, and allows engineers to have about 30 minutes more to complete their tasks. This efficient assigning saves the MTR Corporation, who owns the system, a whopping $800,000 a year. [read]
Hong Kong's metro puts others to shame: It's one of the most profitable subways in the world. It's on time 99.9 percent of the time. It's always improving - and it's controlled by some very clever artificial intelligence. [read]
When Hong Kong's commuters go to bed, an army of thousands of engineers descend into Hong Kong's subway system ready to start repairs and they're all controlled by a computer. That's right, a piece of software surveys and instructs over 10,000 people in the nightly maintenance of one of the world's busiest subway systems. [read]
The New Scientist magazine is the world's most-read weekly popular science and technology magazine. In this article, the magazine talked to Dr. Chun to understand how AI algorithm schedules and manages the nightly engineering work on one of the world's best subway systems - and does it more efficiently than any human could. [read]
Mindful of balancing growth with social responsibility and sustainability, Dr. Chun explains how CityU embarked on a Paperless Office Project. Launched in 2011 as part of a wider 'Green IT' plan, the aim of the initiative was to reduce paper records, power, and space consumption while also improving administrative efficiency and information security. [pdf]
Comments from Judging Panel: "To manage the numerous combination of manpower, wagon, locomotive, equipment, location, and train speed, the System innovatively deploys AI to provide conflict checking and work optimisation for over 2,600 engineering works every week... In short, the System demonstrates outstanding performance in using innovative technology to handle the complexity of critical operations which finally impacts on the safety of over 5 million passengers every day." [read]
由香港電腦學會主辦、旨 在表揚香港資訊科技商業 應用成就的「2014香港資訊及 通訊科技獎:最佳商業方 案獎」,昨日舉行頒獎典 禮,特首梁振英出席主禮 。由港鐵公司、電訊盈科 企業方案有限公司及城市 大學合作的「工務行車管 理系統」分別奪得「最佳 商業方案獎」大獎及「最 佳商業方案(應用)獎」 金獎。 [read]
一些雲端運算在香港的成功故事 ,以啟發中小型企業採用雲端應 用來提升營運效率和生產力。 [video]
The paperless office initiative used enterprise content management (ECM) technology to reduce paper, power, and space consumption while improving administrative efficiency and information security. [pdf]
CityU's "Green Data Center Project" and its "Security Information and Event Management" (SIEM) Project were listed in the annual CIO 100 index to be among the top 100 IT projects in this region. The index is compiled by the CIO Asia magazine annually. [pdf]
Dr. Andy Chun, speaks on the challenges around information security and how CityU's Security Information and Event Management implementation improved IT security and response. [video]