The Economist Intelligence Unit interviewed Dr. Andy Chun for a report on the potential economic impact of advances in machine learning in different regions of the world. The report also interviewed Dr. Chun on the risks and rewards of the use of AI and machine learning for the transportation industry. [pdf] [한국어]
ZDNet Korea covered the annual Fall AI conference organized by the Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society held in Seoul. The conference focused on AGI (artificial general intelligence) and XAI (explainable AI). Dr. Chun was an invited keynote speaker, where he talked about "Technology Convergence" of AI, digital twins, IoT, and blockchains. [read]
The Artificial Intelligence Times magazine in Korea reported on the AI conference organized by the Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society, where Dr. Chun was an invited keynote speaker. The conference focused on AGI (artificial general intelligence) and XAI (explainable AI). [read]
This leading Italian news media talked about China Communist Party's new apps that used AI to determine party members' loyalty by analyzing their online activities. Dr. Andy Chun's comments were quoted as: "Non è chiaro che tipo di dati raccolgano queste app, e questo credo spingerà molti a esprimersi con cautela." [read]
觸目的IT業界年度盛事「 EMC Forum Hong Kong 2017」在10月17日(星期二) 假香港JW萬豪酒店舉行。今 年的論壇以「Modernize」為主題 ,吸引近1,000位與會者出席。 在行政人員對話環節中, EMC香港及澳門區系統工程總 監羅偉文與香港城市大學 副教授及前資訊總監陳漢 偉博士探討人工智能技術 如何影響數碼轉型。 [read]
China's Communist Party developed apps to educate and promote social networking among party members, focusing on "party construction." Quartz interviewed Dr. Andy Chun to get his opinion on the potential AI technologies behind the Smart Red Cloud app that uses AI to educate and evaluate party members. [read]
Hong Kong Government CIO, Allen Yeung, presents plans for smart city using data, IoT and AI to tackle climate change, ageing population and city management. Dr. Andy Chun's AI work for Hong Kong hospitals, metro system, and immigration, were mentioned as examples of current AI use in Hong Kong government. [read]
Sheila Colclasure writes on the implications of AI and ML on data ethics and how to ensure sustainable innovation with effective data protection, Dr. Andy Chun was invited to give the AI technology perspective on this matter. [read]
The Future of Privacy Forum and the Information Accountability Foundation will co-host an event at the International Conference of Data Protection Commissioners in Hong Kong. The event follows IAF's publication of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Enhanced Data Stewardship. Dr. Andy Chun was one of the invited guest speakers to talk about AI and its impact to privacy and ethics. [read]
This popular NYC online media lists railway and transit success stories around the world that NYC subway might be able to gain insights from. Dr. Andy Chun's AI system for Hong Kong's MTR subway was also mentioned. [read]
Data centers in the future will be AI-driven, software-defined, resilient and sustainable. Dr. Andy Chun shared his views of how AI will help manage the data center of the future, at this major annual data center conference. [pdf]
AI Business magazine interviewed Dr. Andy Chun to see beyond the hype and how AI is really transforming business in Hong Kong and this region as well as how AI will be changing the game in the future. [read]
Supply Chain automation is well established, but the increased use of AI in logistics is rapidly reshaping how companies think and plan. Dr. Andy Chun's work on AI optimization is used as course material and case studies in logistic management. [read]
This newspaper article interviewed Dr. Andy Chun and explores current AI developments and trends, as well as the much debated topic of singularity and whether one day human brains might be augmented with or connected to AI in the future. [image]
This article highlights how the AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) industry has been slow on adopting cutting-edge technologies, such as AI, AR, VR, and virtual design and construction, despite ROI benefits. It cited Dr. Andy Chun's AI work on engineering scheduling as an example of how AI can improve efficiencies. [read]
GovInsider interviewed Dr. Andy Chun on the current trend in neural networks and deep learning. What is it? Why is this important? How does it affect government? What is happening in this region? [read]
This is an article on Tencent and its new AI Lab in Seattle to compete with Amazon. The lab will be led by former Microsoft scientist Yu Dong. The article quotes Dr. Andy Chun on his comment on WeChat. [read]
A French article on Tencent's AI development included a quote from Dr. Andy Chun that provided his perspective of the situation: "WeChat est beaucoup plus enraciné dans la vie quotidienne moyenne des citoyens chinois qu’Alibaba ou Baidu. Amazon et Google n’ont rien de comparable." [read]
Insightful Quartz article on Tencent and how it is leveraging its WeChat platform for AI development. Dr. Andy Chun offered some of his personal opinion on the AI potentials. [read] [环球网] [财经网]
This article discusses how AI might impact the future of various transportation modes. For rail transportation, the article cites Dr. Andy Chun's work with the MTR as an example of notable AI innovation: "La gestione degli orari dei treni sulle diverse linee e la manutenzione notturna sono tutte gestite da una sala controllo centrale in cui un sistema di AI progettato da Andy Chun della Hong Kong's City University risolve i problemi della rete metropolitana." [read]
This online video series of HK Economic Journal's StartUp Beat explores the future of AI, Elon Musk's neuron lace, cyborg, and other futuristic topics. Dr. Andy Chun was a guest speaker to share his thoughts on these fascinating topices. [read] [video]
The Sunday magazine cover story is about AI and future of humanity. Dr. Andy Chun explained the current state-of-the-art in AI and how it relates to the neural lace proposed by Elon Musk, as well as the technological singularity in 2045. [read] [image]
Mr. Terry Wong, GM Infrastructure Maintenance at MTR Corp, gave a talk on how MTR used AI, developed by Dr. Andy Chun, to manage complex maintenance schedules. According to Mr. Wong: "With the introduction of the AI program, MTR was able to save two days a week in scheduling and have more time in carrying out their engineering works, which saved the company $800,000 a year." [read]
This special TV episode of The Pearl Report focuses on the development of Artificial in Hong Kong. Dr. Andy Chun was invited to share his views on AI and future trends. [video]
Article on AI practitioners signing the Asilomar AI Principles of AI ethics and values. Dr. Andy Chun is one of the signatory. [read]