Talks 2017

TEDxHongKong: Now You See Me - 8 December 2017

Can AI Trust Us?

Fake News, Safe Spaces, Kneeling, Standing, Left is Right, Right is Left... Are you as confident about what is true, real or good as you used to be? Dr. Andy Chun discusses AI and trust. Can we trust AI? Can AI trust us? [web] 

2017 TEDxHongKong conference.

Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society - AGI & XAI (Seoul) - 27 November 2017

Technology Convergence: AI, Digital Twin, IoT, and Blockchain

This conference focuses on the challenges of applying AI to the real world, and covers topics such as AGI, XAI, academia, research trends, scientific advances, as well as business cases. Dr. Chun talks about the effects and benefits of the convergence of technologies such as AI, digital twins, IoT, and blockchain to real world applications. [web] 

2017 AI conference organized by Korea Intelligent Information Systems Society.

Passenger Loyalty China Summit 2017 (Shanghai) - 9 November 2017

AI: The Future of Loyalty Programs

This conference covers the business and technology behind airline passenger loyalty programs. Dr. Chun gave a talk on how, by leveraging AI, airlines/airports might be able to create a highly personalized relationship with their consumers/passengers.

photo of Dr. Andy Chun giving a talk at Passenger Loyalty China Summit 2017

IDC's Asia/Pacific Analytics, Big Data and Cognitive/AI Computing Conference 2017 - 9 November 2017

The ABCs of the Digital Twin

This conference on digital twin, covers different industry verticals, and underlying new convergent technologies such as analytics, APIs, big data, cognitive/AI and IoT. Dr. Chun is a speaker and panelist on the impact of digital twin and convergent technologies to businesses and governments. [web] 

website of IDC Asia/Pacific Analytics, Big Data and Cognitive/AI Computing Conference 2017 in Hong Kong

FinovateAsia 2017 - 7-8 November 2017

FinTech Innovation in Asia

This event brings together the Asian fintech community to showcase cutting-edge banking, financial and payments technologies as well as insights from global financial service experts. Dr. Andy Chun is the chair for a panel on AI and FinTech. [web] 

website of FinovateAsia's FinTech Innovation in Asia conference.

HK International Computer Conference 2017 - 1-2 November 2017

Capitalise on The Belt and Road Initiative Through Digital Innovation

This 40th annual HK Computer Society flagship event is the most popular ICT conference in Hong Kong, attended by over 500 delegates. Dr. Andy Chun is a member of a panel chaired by former HK Government CIO, Mr. Daniel Lai, to discuss Belt and Road and digital transformation. [web] 

website of HKICC 2017 conference.

2017 EMC Forum - 17 October 2017

Modernized Digital Ecosystem

EMC's annual HK flagship event was attended by over 800 industry delegates. This year's theme is "Modernize" - technology innovation powering a new era of digital transformation; empowering a world that is more immersive, collaborative, mobile and competitive than ever before. Dr. Chun was a speaker on AI technologies and the power of digital transformation. [web] 

Dr. Andy Chun giving a keynote on AI at the 2017 EMC Forum in Hong Kong

FinTech and the Evolving Landscape - Fuji Xerox/FINNOVASIA - 17 October 2017

Opening Keynote: AI and FinTech - Empowering HK and China

Organized by Fuji Xerox (HK) and sponsored by FINNOVASIA, this executive briefing provided insights on recent technology advancements and growing influence of FinTech on financial services, as well as opportunities, challenges, and solutions. Dr. Chun gave a talk covering latest developments and trends of AI and FinTech in China and Hong Kong.

39th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) - 25 September 2017

Sustainable Innovation with Effective Data Protection in the Pacific Rim - AI, Machine Learning, and Ethical Application

The Pacific Rim is a hot bed of innovation in observational technologies and applying them to practical applications. At the forefront is AI and ML. This session explores the application of legal, fair and just to AI and ML, not just for the region but for the whole data protection community. Dr. Chun talks about "Blockchain, IoT, and AI" to explore how data protection and privacy challenges might be addressed in future AI platforms. [web] 

Dr. Andy Chun's talk on blockchain, IoT, and AI at the 2017 International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners

8th CFO Innovation Hong Kong Forum - 20 September 2017

Blockchain Revolution: Keep Up or Lose Out

Blockchain as an emerging technology has the potential to impact existing business processes and functions. This technology offers increased trust and transparency through an immutable record of all transactions. Dr. Chun talked about FinTech applications and how blockchain when combined with other technologies such as IoT and AI can be the next revolution in technology platform. [web] 

Dr. Andy Chun talks on blockchain, IoT, and AI at the CFO Innovation Forum

HK Computer Society - CIO Board + iLEAP - 15 September 2017

Using AI at MTR

Dr. Chun gave a talk on the use of AI at MTR for the scheduling of engineering works. The talk was presented to the Hong Kong Computer Society's CIO Board and the new established IT Leadership Accelerator Platform (iLEAP). This was followed by a visit to MTR's Operations Control Center (OCC) at Tsing Yi Station. [web] 

Dr. Andy Chun giving a talk on AI at MTR at the Tsing Yi station

AI Summit - 26 July 2017

Opening Keynote: AI Empowering the Business of Tomorrow Right Now in the APC Region

Dr. Chun gave the opening keynote speech at the first ever AI conference in Hong Kong. Roughly 500 people attended this inaugural event. Dr. Chun gave an overview of past AI developments in Hong Kong, the future of AI development in mainland China, as well as the potential threats and opportunities of AI. [pdf] 

Dr. Andy Chun giving the opening keynote at the AI Summit in Hong Kong

DBS x CAL Talk - 7 July 2017

AI & Big Data: From Buzzword to Business Impact

Dr. Chun gave a talk on "FinTech: AI + Big Data" in this TED-talk like forum that is sponsored and organized by DBS and CityU Apps Lab. Dr. Chun discussed global trends in AI and FinTech as well as the roles of AI and big data; covering topics such as blockchain, predictive analytics, and others. [web]  [video] 

Dr. Andy Chun giving talk at the DBS x CAL series of talks

9th Annual Data Center Summit - 6 July 2017

Embracing Digitalization: Transforming the Traditional Data Centers into Cost-Effective and Profitable Data Centers

Dr. Chun is a panel member in this summit organized by Computerworld Hong Kong. This particular panel discusses how future data centers need to be more dynamic and agile in supporting modern business needs, possibly through leveraging IoT and AI as well as emerging hyperconverged infrastructure. [web] 

Dr. Andy Chun participating in the 2017 Annual Data Center Summit

Bank of America Merrill Lynch 2017 Innovative China Forum (Shenzhen) - 1 June 2017

Artificial Intelligence: Corporate Impact

Dr. Chun was a panel member in this forum for the top leading China innovative companies. This is the 2nd forum organized by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, that provides insights into the future of investing in China. Dr. Chun shared his thoughts on recent developments in AI and its impact to future businesses.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch - 2017 Innovative China Forum

Hospital Authority - 18 May 2017

Keynote Speech: AI & Smart Health

Dr. Chun was the guest speaker to kick-off this annual HA event, that focuses on the use of IT for health care. Dr. Chun gave an opening keynote speech on technology trends such as IoT, big data, blockchain, and AI, and their potential near-term and future benefits to healthcare.

Hong Kong Hospital Authority headquarters - 24 Apr 2017

FinTech, LawTech, & RegTech in Hong Kong

Convergence is a global community exploring blockchain enabled convergence of IoT, AI, 3D printing, mixed reality, and autonomous robotics. Dr. Chun was a panel member in this HK event that discusses how convergence will impact, transform and disrupt the FinTech, RegTechm, and LawTech industries. [web] 

Dr. Andy Chun panel member at forum on FinTech, RegTech, and LawTech

HK Economic Journal 信報 - StartUp Beat - 14 April 2017

Human Intelligence, AI, and Cyborg - 智商升呢迎AI挑戰 人機合一防智能叛變

This online video series of HK Economic Journal's StartUp Beat explores the future of AI, Elon Musk's neuron lace, cyborg, and other futuristic topics. Dr. Andy Chun was a guest speaker to share his thoughts on these fascinating topices. [web]  [video] 

video of Dr. Chun's interview at the HK Economic Journal

CityU MBA SHARP Forum - 10 Apr 2017

ArtificiaI Intelligence: End of Humanity or The Beginning of A New Era?

The CityU MBA SHARP Forum provides a platform where business executives, government officials, scholars, entrepreneurs, influential celebrities, and renowned experts are invited to share insights and experiences. Dr. Chun explores the fascinating journey that AI R&D has taken over the past few decades from its humble early days of tackling simple toy problems, to its present-day proliferation in practically everything we touch. [web]  [video] 

Dr. Andy Chun giving a talk on AI at the CityU MBA SHARP Forum