photo of Dr CHAN, Wing Kwong Ricky

Wing-Kwong (Ricky) Chan

BEng MPhil PhD HKU
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Hong Kong


Office: Room G7309 (near lift 7, 7/f, green zone of Yeung (AC1) Building)
Phone: +852 3442 9684
Fax: +852 3442 0503
Email: wkchan  [at]


Dr. Chan worked as a software engineer and then returned to academica. He is currently an associate professor. He received all three degrees from The University of Hong Kong. His first degree was in Computer Engineering, which was quite hardware-oriented, and then he moved to the software side to study software engineering in his MPhil and PhD degrees.

Dr Chan's current research and teaching disciplines are software engineering, particularly the technical side of software engineering and its interface with emerging technologies like machine learning, blockchain, and GPU. He is interested in addressing technical challenges in program analysis and concurrency. Dr Chan published more than 100 papers in various venues such as TOSEM, TSE, TRel, TSC, TPDS, CACM, JSS, IST, STVR, SQJ, ICSE, ESCE/FSE, ASE, ISSTA, COMPSAC, QSIC, QRS, ICWS, AST, and WWW. He received the best paper awards from COMPSAC'04, COMPSAC'08, COMPSAC'10, QSIC'11, QRS'16, and ISET'18. He was one of the awardees of the CityU President's Awards 2017. His published work can be found at his CityU Scholar page or his Google Scholar page. Preprints of articles can also be found on his website or obtained from him on request.

Dr Chan is on the editorial board of the Journal of Systems and Software, Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, Array, and the International Journal of Creative Computing. He is serving or has served as PC member of some conferences such as ICSE, ESEC/FSE, ISSTA, ASE, COMPSAC, QRS, AST, MM, ICMR, ICWS, and ICSOC.

Research Interests: Software engineering (SE), SE side of deep learning, SE side of blockchain systems, program analysis, and program testing

I am looking for one self-motivating PhD student to join in 2024 Fall. If you are interested, put my name in the CityU PhD application form and contact me for matching.



MSc in E-Commerce (MSEC) is a master's progremme jointly offered by the CS Department and IS Department of City University of Hong Kong. I am the program leader from the CS Department. You may find more information about MSEC programme from our departmental homepage, and here is a leaflet that summarizes the key structure of the programme.

His current PhD students are shown below:


Latest research papers.

  1. CrossCert (FSE 2024) [DOI][PDF] by Qilin Zhou, Zhengyuan Wei, Haipeng Wang, Bo Jiang, Wing-Kwong Chan.
  2. Valid Input Generation for DNN (COMPSAC 2024) [DOI][PDF] by Jingyu Zhang, Jacky Keung, Xiaoxue Ma, Xiangyu Li, Yan Xiao, Yishu Li and Wing Kwong Chan.
  3. Improved ITV (ICMR 2024) [DOI][PDF] by Jianxu Wu, C.W. Ngo, and W.K. Chan.
  4. MajorCert (ASE 2024) [DOI][PDF] by Qilin Zhou, Zhengyuan Wei, Haipeng Wang, W.K. Chan.
  5. Aster (QRS 2023) by Haipeng Wang, Zhengyuan Wei, and W.K. Chan.
  6. JITDP (QRS 2023) by Yuxiang Guo, Xiaopeng Gao, Zhenyu Zhang, W.K.Chan, and Bo Jiang.
  7. 𝜇MT (Wiley SPE) [DOI] by Chang-ai Sun, Hui Jin, Siyi Wu, An Fu, Zuoyi Wan, and Wing Kwong Chan. accepted
  8. FoodMask (Elsevier PR) by Huu-Thanh Nguyen, Yu Cao, Chong-Wah Ngo, and, Wing-Kwong Chan. accepted
  9. DeepPatch (ACM TOSEM 2023) by Zhengyuan Wei, Haipeng Wang, Imran Ashraf, Wing Kwong Chan.
  10. ECM (CSEET 2023) by W.K. Chan, Y.T. Yu, Jacky W. Keung, and Victor C.S. Lee
  11. Cross-domain Food Image-to-Recipe Retrieval by Weighted Adversarial Learning (PDF) (white paper) by Bin Zhu, Chong-Wah Ngo, Jingjing Chen and Wing-Kwong Chan
  12. OAT (TASE 2023) by Mengjun Du, Peiyang Li, Lian Song, W.K. Chan and Bo Jiang.
  13. CONE (ACL 2023) by Zhijian Hou, Wanjun Zhong, Lei Ji, Difei Gao, Kun Yan, Wing-Kwong Chan, Chong-Wah Ngo, Zheng Shou, and Nan Duan.
  14. Davida (IEEE TRel 2022) by Xiaoxue Ma, Imran Ashraf, and W.K. Chann.
  15. Cross-lingual Adaptation for Recipe Retrieval with Mixup (ICMR 2022) by Bin Zhu, Chong-Wah Ngo, Jingjing Chen, and Wing-Kwong Chan.
  16. I2I (IEEE TMM 2022) by Bin Zhu, Chong-Wah Ngo, and W.K. Chan
  17. CONQUER (MM 2021, oral) by Zhijian Hou, Chong-Wah Ngo, and W.K. Chan
  18. Plum (DSA 2021, best paper award) by Hao Zhang and W.K. Chan
  19. Orchid (DSA 2021) by Haipeng Wang and W.K. Chan
  20. FAR (IEEE Access 2021) by Xiupei Mei, . Imran Ashraf, Xiaoxue Ma, Hao Zhang, Zhengyuan Wei, Haipeng Wang, and W.K. Chan
  21. DeepEutaxy (IEEE TRel 2021) by Hao Zhang and W.K. Chan
  22. RegionTrack (ACM TOSEM 2021) by Xiaoxue Ma, Shangru Wu, Ernest Pobee, Xiupei Mei, Hao Zhang, Bo Jiang, and W.K. Chan
  23. CUDAsmith (COMPSAC 2020) by Bo Jiang, Xiaoyan Wang, W.K. Chan, T. H. Tse, Na Li, Yongfeng Yin, and Zhenyu Zhang.
  24. Artemis (DSA 2020) by Anqi Wang, Hao Wang, Bo Jiang, and W.K. Chan
  25. EOSFuzzer (Internetware 2020) by Yuhe Huang, Bo Jiang, and W.K. Chan
  26. SBFL with Historical Structural Inference (IEEE TRel 2020) by Long Zhang, Zijie Li, Yang Feng, Zhenyu Zhang, W.K. Chan, Jian Zhang, and Yuming Zhou.
  27. BlockRace (AST 2020) by Xiupei Mei, Zhengyuan Wei, Hao Zhang, and W.K. Chan
  28. GasFuzzer (IEEE Access 2020) by Imran Ashraf, Xiaoxue Ma, Bo Jiang, and W.K. Chan
  29. Apricot (ASE 2019) by Hao Zhang and W.K. Chan
  30. TPlay (ASE 2019) by Ernest Bota, Xiupei Mei, and W.K. Chan
  31. AggrePlay (ESEC/FSE 2019) by Ernest Bota and W.K. Chan
  32. Fuzzing Android GUI (IEEE TRel 2019) by Bo Jiang, Yaoyue Zhang, W.K. Chan, and Zhenyu Zhang
  33. Fuse (poster) by Xiupei Mei, Imran, Ashraf, Bo Jiang, and W.K. Chan
  34. ContractFuzzer (ASE 2018) by Bo Jiang, Ye Liu, and W.K. Chan
  35. ConRS (COMPSAC 2018) by B. Zhu, R. Meng, B. Jiang, and W.K. Chan
  36. Sifter (IEEE TSC journal paper) by Chunyang Ye, S.C. Cheung, and W.K. Chan

His ORCid is

You can also find his published work at DBLP [Part 1, Part 2]

His research projects funded by various schemes can be found on his CityU Scholar page. The following summarizes the grants for ease of reference.