Dr. Chan
worked as a software engineer and then returned to academica.
He is currently an associate professor. He received all three degrees from The
University of Hong Kong. His first degree was in Computer Engineering, which
was quite hardware-oriented, and then he moved to the software side to study
software engineering in his MPhil and PhD degrees.
Dr Chan's
current research and teaching disciplines are software engineering,
particularly the technical side of software engineering and its interface with
emerging technologies like machine learning, blockchain, and GPU. He is
interested in addressing technical challenges in program analysis and
concurrency. Dr Chan published more than 100 papers in various venues such as
received the best paper awards from COMPSAC'04, COMPSAC'08, COMPSAC'10,
QSIC'11, QRS'16, and ISET'18. He was one of the awardees of the CityU President's Awards 2017. His published work can be
found at his
CityU Scholar page or his
Google Scholar page. Preprints of articles can also be found on his website
or obtained from him on request.
Dr Chan
is on the editorial board of the Journal
of Systems and Software, Software Testing,
Verification and Reliability, Array, and the International Journal
of Creative Computing. He is serving or has served as PC member of some
conferences such as ICSE, ESEC/FSE, ISSTA, ASE, COMPSAC, QRS, AST, MM, ICMR,
Research Interests: Software engineering (SE),
SE side of deep learning, SE side of blockchain systems, program analysis, and
program testing
I am
looking for one self-motivating PhD
student to join in 2024 Fall. If you are interested, put my name in the CityU PhD application form and contact me for matching.
MSc in E-Commerce
(MSEC) is a master's progremme jointly offered by
the CS Department and IS Department of City University of Hong Kong. I am the
program leader from the CS Department. You may find more information about MSEC
programme from our departmental homepage, and here is a leaflet that
summarizes the key structure of the programme.
current PhD students are shown below:
- Haipeng Wang (topic: robustness for
deep learning systems)
- Qilin Zhou (topic: certified
patch robustness)
- Jiaxin Wu (topic:
interpretable video retrieval), co-supervised with Prof Chong-Wah Ngo
- Dr. Zhengyuan Wei (CityU PhD, 2023)
- Dr. Imran Ashraf (CityU PhD, 2023)
- Dr.
Zhijian Hou (CityU PhD, 2023), co-supervised
with Prof Chong-Wah Ngo
- Dr. Xiaoxue Ma (CityU PhD, 2023)
- Dr. Thanh Nguyen-Huu (CitytU PhD, 2022), co-supervised with Chong-Wah Ngo
- Mr. Xiupei Mei (CityU MPhil, 2022)
- Dr. Hao Zhang (CityU
PhD, 2021)
- Dr. Bin Zhu (CityU PhD, 2021), co-supervised with Chong-Wah Ngo
- Dr. Ernest Bota Pobee (CityU
PhD, 2021)
- Dr.
Jialin Yang (CityU PhD, 2018)
- Dr.
Chung man Tang (CityU PhD, 2017), co-supervised with Y.T. Yu
- Dr.
Chunbai Yang (CityU PhD, 2017)
- Dr.
Shangru Wu (CityU PhD, 2016)
- Dr.
Edward Kan (HKU PhD, 2016), co-supervised with T.H. Tse
- Dr.
Changjiang Jia (CityU PhD, 2015)
- Dr.
Yan Cai (CityU PhD, 2014), co-supervised with Y.T. Yu
- Dr.
Ke Zhai (HKU PhD, 2012), co-supervised with T.H. Tse
- Dr.
Bo Jiang (HKU PhD, 2011), co-supervised with T.H. Tse
- Dr.
Lijun Mei (HKU PhD, 2009), co-supervised with T.H. Tse
- Dr.
Zhenyu Zhang (HKU PhD, 2008), co-supervised with T.H. Tse
- Dr.
Heng Lu (HKU PhD, 2006), co-supervised with T.H. Tse
research papers.
- CrossCert (FSE 2024) [DOI][PDF] by Qilin Zhou, Zhengyuan Wei, Haipeng
Wang, Bo Jiang, Wing-Kwong Chan.
- Valid Input Generation for
DNN (COMPSAC 2024) [DOI][PDF] by Jingyu Zhang, Jacky Keung, Xiaoxue Ma, Xiangyu Li, Yan
Xiao, Yishu Li and Wing Kwong Chan.
- Improved ITV (ICMR 2024) [DOI][PDF] by Jianxu Wu, C.W. Ngo, and W.K. Chan.
- MajorCert (ASE 2024) [DOI][PDF] by Qilin Zhou, Zhengyuan Wei, Haipeng
Wang, W.K. Chan.
- Aster
(QRS 2023) by Haipeng Wang, Zhengyuan Wei, and
W.K. Chan.
(QRS 2023) by Yuxiang Guo, Xiaopeng
Gao, Zhenyu Zhang, W.K.Chan,
and Bo Jiang.
- 𝜇MT (Wiley SPE) [DOI] by Chang-ai Sun, Hui Jin,
Siyi Wu, An Fu, Zuoyi
Wan, and Wing Kwong Chan. accepted
- FoodMask (Elsevier PR) by Huu-Thanh Nguyen, Yu
Cao, Chong-Wah Ngo, and, Wing-Kwong Chan.
- DeepPatch (ACM TOSEM 2023) by Zhengyuan Wei, Haipeng Wang, Imran Ashraf, Wing Kwong Chan.
(CSEET 2023) by W.K. Chan, Y.T. Yu, Jacky W. Keung, and Victor C.S. Lee
- Cross-domain Food
Image-to-Recipe Retrieval by Weighted Adversarial Learning (PDF) (white paper) by
Bin Zhu, Chong-Wah Ngo, Jingjing Chen and Wing-Kwong Chan
- OAT (TASE 2023) by Mengjun Du, Peiyang Li, Lian
Song, W.K. Chan and Bo Jiang.
- CONE (ACL 2023) by Zhijian
Hou, Wanjun Zhong, Lei Ji, Difei Gao, Kun Yan,
Wing-Kwong Chan, Chong-Wah Ngo, Zheng Shou, and Nan Duan.
- Davida
(IEEE TRel 2022) by Xiaoxue
Ma, Imran Ashraf, and W.K. Chann.
- Cross-lingual
Adaptation for Recipe Retrieval with Mixup
(ICMR 2022) by Bin Zhu, Chong-Wah Ngo, Jingjing Chen, and Wing-Kwong Chan.
- I2I (IEEE TMM 2022) by Bin Zhu,
Chong-Wah Ngo, and W.K. Chan
(MM 2021, oral) by Zhijian Hou, Chong-Wah Ngo, and W.K. Chan
- Plum
(DSA 2021, best paper award) by Hao Zhang and W.K. Chan
- Orchid
(DSA 2021) by Haipeng Wang and W.K. Chan
(IEEE Access 2021) by Xiupei Mei, . Imran Ashraf, Xiaoxue Ma,
Hao Zhang, Zhengyuan Wei, Haipeng Wang, and W.K.
- DeepEutaxy (IEEE TRel
2021) by Hao Zhang and W.K. Chan
- RegionTrack (ACM TOSEM 2021) by Xiaoxue Ma, Shangru Wu,
Ernest Pobee, Xiupei Mei, Hao Zhang, Bo Jiang,
and W.K. Chan
- CUDAsmith (COMPSAC 2020) by Bo Jiang,
Xiaoyan Wang, W.K. Chan, T. H. Tse, Na Li, Yongfeng Yin, and Zhenyu Zhang.
- Artemis (DSA 2020) by Anqi
Wang, Hao Wang, Bo Jiang, and W.K. Chan
- EOSFuzzer (Internetware
2020) by Yuhe Huang, Bo Jiang, and W.K. Chan
with Historical Structural Inference (IEEE TRel
2020) by Long Zhang, Zijie Li, Yang Feng, Zhenyu
Zhang, W.K. Chan, Jian Zhang, and Yuming Zhou.
- BlockRace (AST 2020) by Xiupei
Mei, Zhengyuan Wei, Hao Zhang, and W.K. Chan
- GasFuzzer (IEEE Access 2020) by Imran Ashraf, Xiaoxue Ma, Bo Jiang, and W.K. Chan
- Apricot
(ASE 2019) by Hao Zhang and W.K. Chan
- TPlay (ASE 2019) by Ernest Bota, Xiupei Mei, and W.K. Chan
- AggrePlay (ESEC/FSE 2019) by Ernest Bota and W.K.
- Fuzzing
Android GUI (IEEE TRel 2019) by Bo Jiang, Yaoyue Zhang, W.K. Chan, and Zhenyu Zhang
- Fuse (poster) by Xiupei Mei, Imran, Ashraf, Bo Jiang, and W.K. Chan
- ContractFuzzer (ASE 2018) by Bo Jiang, Ye
Liu, and W.K. Chan
- ConRS (COMPSAC 2018) by B. Zhu,
R. Meng, B. Jiang, and W.K. Chan
- Sifter (IEEE TSC journal
paper) by Chunyang Ye, S.C. Cheung, and W.K.
His ORCid is https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7726-6235
You can also find his published work at DBLP [Part 1, Part 2]
research projects funded by various schemes can be found on his
CityU Scholar page. The following summarizes the
grants for ease of reference.
- Hong Kong Research Grants
Council GRF/ECS
- FAVOR: a testing Framework
for detecting Atomicity viOlations in
concurrent traces (GRF Project No. 11214116, 844,559, Jan 2017 to Dec
2019, PI)
- X-LAMP: eXposing
Latent Races in LArge-scale Multithreaded
Programs (GRF Project No. 11200015, CityU
internal 9042171, 695,861, Jan 2016 to Dec 2018, PI).
- LATTE: an object-based oracLe framework for lineArizabiliTy
TEsting (GRF Project No. 11201114, $875,000,
Jan 2015 to Dec 2017, PI)
Constraint-sensitive Approach to GENeration of
Deadlock test schedules for multithreaded Applications (GRF Project No.
111313, $836,450, Jan 2014 to Dec 2016, PI)
- LOBSTER: Localisation of
Performance Bugs in Multithreaded Programs (GRF Project No.125113,
$645,500, July 2013 - Jun 2016, Co-I).
- ASPIRATION: A Software
Testing Approach to Deadlock Detection for Large-Scale Multithreaded
Applications (ECS Project no. 123512, $688,087+$50,000, Jan 2013 to Dec
2015, PI)
Context-sensitive Approach to Race-Condition Test Case Selection for
Multithreaded Software Applications (Project no. 716612, $692,000, Jan
2013 to Dec 2015, Co-I)
- TASTE: Testing of Adaptive
Service-based Software (Project no. 717811, $922,500, Oct 2011 to Sep
2014, Co-I)
A Comprehensive Testing fRamEwork for
Service-oriented Software (Project no. 111410,
$603,000, Oct 2010-Sep 2013, PI)
formal framework for CompositionAl Conformance TEsting of Service compositions (Project
No. 717308,
$491,906, 1 Sep 2008- 30 Aug 2011, Co-I)
- Data-centric Testing for Pervasive Middleware-based
Programs (Project No. 111107, $421,300,
1 Jul 2007-31 Dec 2009, PI)
- Flow: Automatic
Fault Localization for Wireless Sensor Network Software Applications: a
Statistical Fault Divergence Approach (Project No. 716507,
$648,000, 6 Sep 2007- 5 Sep 2010, Co-I)
- Testing of Pattern-deployed Software (Project
No. 123207,
$375,329, Jan-2008-Dec 2009, Co-I)
- Hong Kong ITF Grants (for
applied R&D)
- Ethereum Smart Contract
Fuzz Testing Service for Security Vulnerability Detections [Project No.
ITS/378/18, $1399,998, 1 Aug 2019 - 31 Jan 2021, PI]
- Blockchain Enhanced Common
Platform for Syndicate Mortgage Transactions (co-I) [Project No.
ITS/133/17FX, CityU 9440180, $5,900,000]
- RFID Benchmarking: Methodology and Practice [无线射频识 别基准测试的关键技术之方法及应用] (Project No.
ITP/022/07LP, Phase 1: $2,218,465, 1 Jul 2007 to 31 Dec 2008,
Investigator; Phase 2: $10,462,438 , 1 Oct-2008 to 30 Sep 2010)
- An Extensible Fault-Based Predicate Testing Toolset for
Wireless Sensor Network Software Applications [用 於無線感知網絡應用軟件的可擴展性基於錯誤的謂詞測試工具集] (Project No. ITS/076/06,
$976,350, Sep 2006-Nov 2007, Deputy Project Coordinator) [website]
- Australian ARC Discovery
- Hong Kong CityU Grants
- Top-up Funds
- CityU Top-up Fund for GRF
Project 11200015 ($34793, PI)
- CityU Top-up Fund for GRF
Project 11201114 ($43,750, PI)
- CityU Top-up Fund for GRF Project
111313 (Project No. CityU 9041875, $41,823,
- CityU Top-up Fund for GRF
Project 125113 (Project No. CityU 9041926,
$32,275, Co-I).
- CityU Top-up Fund for ESC
Project 123512 (Project No. CityU 9041768,
$36,904, PI).
- CityU Top-up Fund for GRF Project 111410 (Project
No. CityU 9041554, $20,000, PI).
- CityU Top-up Fund for CERG
Project 111107 (Project No. CityU
9041221, $42,130, PI).
- SRG-fd
- A Study on Execution
Profiling: Challenges and Characteristics (Project No. 7004882,
$100,000, PI)
- Development of Tools for
Empirical Studies of Testing Design Pattern Deployment (Project
No.7002873, $80,000, Co-I, Oct 2012 - Apr 2014).
- Teaspoon:
TEst cASe
Prioritization for service-Oriented wOrkflow applicatioNs (Project No. CityU
7008039, $178,000, Oct 2009 - Dec 2011, PI, SRG-fd)
Distribution Of Test daTa fOr
Regression tEst (Project No. CityU
7002673, $180,000, 1 May 2011 - 31 Jul 2013, PI, SRG)
- S4:
Scalable Statistical Service Selection (Project No. CityU
7002464 , $166,148, Apr 2009 - Mar 2011, PI, SRG)
- Espresso: tEsting Synthesized PRograms of wirElesS
Sensor netwOrk (Project No. CityU
7002324, $180,000, Apr 2008 - Mar 2010, PI, SRG)
- Other Funds
- Positive Psychology:
Application of Positive Psychology to Develop Program Manual for Primary
School Moral Education (Idea Incubator Fund No. 6897019, $350,000, 1 Sep
2014 - 28 Feb 2016, Co-I).
- Therapy: Application of
Family Therapy Concepts to the Development and Production of Family Play
Materials (Idea Incubator Fund Project No. 6897001, $536,200, 1 Jan 2012
- 30 Aug 2014, Co-I).
- An Exploratory Study of the Test Oracle Problem (Project
No. CityU
7200079, $99,963, Nov 2006-Jan 2008, PI, NSSG)
- Hong Kong HKU Grant
- Mainland China Grants
- Lab grants
- Model-based Fault
Detection, Localization, and Repair (计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室, RMB 60,000, Nov 2010-Oct
2012, PI )
- National Natural Science
Foundation of China (面上项目)
- Android应用的模糊测试关键技术研究 (Project No. 6177051228,
RMB 580000, 1 Jan 2018 - 31 Dec 2021, Co-I, Bo Jiang as PI).
- 测试用例演化关键技术研究 (RMB 680,000), NSFC,
2012-2015 (as Co-I)
- Multi-stage Integration Test
Case Evolving Techniques (Project No. 61170067, RMB 680,000, Jan
2012-Dec 2015, Co-I, Zhenyu Chen as PI).