Dr Y T Yu  
BSc CertEd HK, GradDip PhD Melb, MIEEE, MACM
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, HONG KONG

Phone: +852 3442 9831         Fax: +852 3442 0503

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Dr. Y T Yu received the B.Sc. degree in Mathematics with First Class Honours, and the Certificate in Education from The University of Hong Kong. Later, he received the Graduate Diploma and obtained First Class Honours and First in Class in a M.Sc.(Prelim) Course before receiving the Ph.D. degree from The University of Melbourne, Australia.

Prior to joining the Department of Computer Science of City University of Hong Kong, Dr. Yu has taught computer courses in The University of Melbourne, The University of Hong Kong, and The Hong Kong Institute of Education. He has substantial experience in secondary computer and mathematics education in Hong Kong. He has led the implementation of strategic computerisation project of a secondary school, including in-house development of various essential school administration software systems. He was also the author of two textbooks for Computer Studies.

Dr Yu has been actively engaged in research work. His publications have appeared in many scholarly journals, including the most prestigious journals in the field of software engineering, such as ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. To date, he has completed more than 10 research projects that were funded by strategic and competitive earmarked research grants, one research and development project supported by a fund from the Innovation and Technology Commission, and several development projects supported by teaching development grants.

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Professional Activities

Dr Yu is currently an Executive Committee Member of IEEE Hong Kong Section Computer Society Chapter after having served as the Chair for the two years 2012 and 2013. Previously, he was the Secretary in the years 2010 and 2011, and an Executive Committee Member in the years 2006-2009.

Dr Yu was an Associate Editor of the IET Software journal between 12 Feb 2019 and 11 Feb 2022.
He was also an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET) in the years 2003-2012.
Besides, he has reviewed papers for various international academic journals, including the following.

Dr Yu has actively participated in professional activities in the research community in the following roles.

In addition, he has been the reviewers of many other international conferences and symposia, including the following.

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Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  1. C. M. Tang, Y. T. Yu and C. K. Poon, "An automated system with a versatile test oracle for assessing student programs", Computer Applications in Engineering Education, volume 31, issue 1, pages 176-199, January 2023.
  2. V. C. S. Lee, Y. T. Yu, C. M. Tang, T. L. Wong and C. K. Poon, "VIDA: A Virtual Debugging Advisor for supporting learning in computer programming courses", Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, volume 34, issue 3, pages 243-258, June 2018.
  3. C. M. Tang, W. K. Chan, Y. T. Yu and Z. Zhang, "Accuracy graphs of spectrum-based fault localization formulas", IEEE Transactions on Reliability, volume 66, number 2, pages 403-424, June 2017.
  4. C. Jia, C. Yang, W. K. Chan and Y. T. Yu, "SDA-CLOUD: A multi-VM architecture for adaptive dynamic data race detection", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, volume 10, number 1, pages 80-93, January 2017.
  5. E. Y. K. Chan, W. K. Chan, P.-L. Poon and Y. T. Yu, "An empirical evaluation of several test-a-few strategies for testing particular conditions", Software - Practice and Experience, volume 42, issue 8, pages 967-994, August 2012.
  6. P.-L. Poon and Y. T. Yu, "Degree of Internet corporate reporting: A research framework", Information Research, volume 17, number 1, paper 509, March 2012. [Available at]
  7. Y. T. Yu and M. F. Lau, "Fault-based test suite prioritization for specification-based testing", Information and Software Technology, volume 54, number 2, pages 179-202, February 2012.
  8. K. M. Y. Law, V. C. S. Lee and Y. T. Yu, "Learning motivation in e-learning facilitated computer programming courses", Computers and Education, volume 55, number 1, pages 218-228, August 2010.
  9. Y. T. Yu and M. F. Lau, "A comparison of MC/DC, MUMCUT and several other coverage criteria for logical decisions", Journal of Systems and Software, volume 79, number 5, pages 577-590, May 2006.
  10. M. F. Lau and Y. T. Yu, "An extended fault class hierarchy for specification-based testing", ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, volume 14, number 3, pages 247-276, July 2005.
  11. Y. T. Yu, S. P. Ng, P.-L. Poon and T. Y. Chen, "On the testing methods used by beginning software testers", Information and Software Technology, volume 46, number 5, pages 329-335, April 2004.
  12. T. Y. Chen and Y. T. Yu, "A decision-theoretic approach to the test allocation problem in partition testing", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics -- Part A: Systems and Humans, volume 32, number 6, pages 733-745, November 2002.
  13. Y. T. Yu, P. L. Poon, S. F. Tang and T. Y. Chen, "A study on a path-based strategy for selecting black-box generated test cases", International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, volume 11, number 2, pages 113-138, April 2001.
  14. T. Y. Chen and Y. T. Yu, "On the expected number of failures detected by subdomain testing and random testing", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, volume 22, number 2, pages 109-119, February 1996.
  15. T. Y. Chen and Y. T. Yu, "On the relationship between partition testing and random testing", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, volume 20, number 12, pages 977-980, December 1994.

Conference Papers

  1. W. K. Chan, Y. T. Yu, J. W. Keung and V. C. S. Lee, "Toward AI-assisted exercise creation for first course in programming through adversarial examples of AI models", in Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE 35th International Conference on Software Engineering Education, and Training (CSEET 2023), pages 132-136, August 2023.
  2. C. K. Poon, T. L. Wong, C. M. Tang, J. K. L. Li, Y. T. Yu and V. C. S. Lee, "Automatic assessment via intelligent analysis of students' program output patterns", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology in Education (ICTE 2020), pages 133-142, August 2020.
  3. C. M. Tang, J. Keung, Y. T. Yu and W. K. Chan, "DFL: Dual-service Fault Localization", (winner of Best Paper Award), in Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2016), IEEE Computer Society CPS, pages 412-422, August 2016.
  4. C. M. Tang, W. K. Chan and Y. T. Yu, "Extending the theoretical fault localization effectiveness hierarchy with empirical results at different code abstraction levels", in Proceedings of the 38th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2014), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 161-170, July 2014.
  5. T. H. Ng, Y. T. Yu and S. C. Cheung, "Factors for effective use of deployed design patterns", in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2010), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 112-121, July 2010.
  6. Y. T. Yu, E. Y. K. Chan and P.-L. Poon, "On the coverage of program code by specification-based tests", in Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2009), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 24-25, August 2009.
  7. T. H. Ng, S. C. Cheung, W. K. Chan and Y. T. Yu, "Do maintainers utilize deployed design patterns effectively?", in Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 168-177, May 2007.
  8. T. H. Ng, S. C. Cheung, W. K. Chan and Y. T. Yu, "Work experience versus refactoring into design patterns: A controlled experiment", in Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (ACM SIGSOFT 2006 / FSE 14), ACM Press, pages 12-22, November 2006.
  9. Y. T. Yu, C. K. Poon and M. Choy, "Experiences with PASS: Developing and using a Programming Assignment aSsessment System", in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2006), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 360-368, October 2006.
  10. P.-L. Poon and Y. T. Yu, "Procurement of enterprise resource planning systems: Experiences with some Hong Kong companies", in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2006), ACM Press, pages 561-568, May 2006.
  11. Y. T. Yu, "Information technology support to the promotion of reading -- Towards building a school-based reading sharing community", in Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2004), pages 499-508, November-December 2004.
  12. B. C. Chiu and Y. T. Yu, "Promoting the use of information technology in education via lightweight authoring tools", (winner of Best Paper Award), in Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2002), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 501-505, December 2002.
  13. Y. T. Yu and B. C. Chiu, "Empowering secondary school teachers to effectively exploit Internet resources for the enhancement of teaching and learning", in Proceedings of International Conference on Computers in Education and International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction (ICCE/ICCAI 2000), pages 840-848, November 2000.
  14. T. Y. Chen and Y. T. Yu, "On some characterisation problems of subdomain testing", in Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe'96), LNCS no. 1088, Springer, pages 147-158, June 1996.
  15. T. Y. Chen, H. Leung and Y. T. Yu, "On the analysis of subdomain testing strategies", in Proceedings of the 1995 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC'95), IEEE Computer Society Press, pages 218-224, December 1995.

Books / Book Chapter

  1. M. F. Lau, Y. T. Yu and P.-L. Poon, "Test Case Generation: Specification-Based", Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, volume 1, number 1, pages 1200-1210, November 2010. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, New York. (DOI: 10.1081/E-ESE-120044233)
  2. Y. T. Yu, Elements of Computer Studies (with Teachers' Handbook), Modern Educational Research Society Ltd., Hong Kong. (Second edition: 1997; revised edition: 1993; first edition: 1989)
  3. Y. T. Yu, Elements of Basic Programming: A Problem Solving Approach (with Teachers' Handbook), Modern Educational Research Society Ltd., Hong Kong. (1989)
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Last updated on 22 Jan 2024