Fei Guan, Jinkyu Lee, Chun Jason Xue, Jen-Ming Wu and Nan Guan.
Federated Scheduling for Relaxed-Deadline DAG Tasks.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
(RTSS), 2024.
Zhe Jiang, Shuai Zhao, Ran Wei, Gang Chen, Xin Si and Nan Guan.
ROTA-I/O: Hardware/Algorithm Co-design for Real-Time I/O Control with Improved Timing Accuracy and
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2024.
Xisheng Li, Ye Ma, Yuting Chen, Jinghao Sun, Wanli Chang, Nan Guan, Liming Chen and
Qingxu Deng.
Priority Optimization for Autonomous Driving Systems to Meet End-to-End
Latency Constraints.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2024.
Yuheng Shen, Jianzhong Liu, Yiru Xu, Hao Sun, Mingzhe Wang, Nan Guan, Heyuan Shi,
Yu Jiang.
Enhancing ROS System Fuzzing through Callback Tracing.
ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(ISSTA), 2024.
Hao Sun, Yiru Xu, Jianzhong Liu, Yuheng Shen, Nan Guan, Yu Jiang.
Finding Correctness Bugs in eBPF Verifier with Structured and Sanitized Program.
European Conference on
Computer Systems (EuroSys), 2024.
Hongming Huang, Chun Jason Xue, Nan Guan and Hong Xu. Is Low Similarity Threshold
A Bad Idea in Delta Compression?
ACM/USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and
File Systems (HotStorage), 2024.
Tao Hu, Menglong Cui, Mingsong Lyu, Tao Yang, Yiyang Zhou, Qingxu Deng, Chun Jason
Xue and Nan Guan. Ghostbuster:
A Software Approach for Reducing Ghosting Effect on Electrophoretic Displays.
International Conference on Embedded Software
(EMSOFT), 2024.
Chenhao Wu, Ruoxiang Li, Naijun Zhan and Nan Guan. Modelling and Analysis of the
LatestTime Message Synchronization Policy in ROS.
International Conference on Embedded
Software (EMSOFT), 2024.
Tianyu Ren, Qiao Li, Yina Lv, Min Ye, Nan Guan and Chun Jason Xue. Near-Free Life-time
Extension for 3D NAND Flash via Opportunistic Self-Healing.
International Conference
on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS), 2024.
Wenjing Xie, Tao Hu, Neiwen Ling, Guoliang Xing, Chun Jason Xue and Nan Guan.
Timely Fusion of Surround Radar/Lidar for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving Systems.
IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and
Application (RTCSA), 2024.
Juxin Niu, Wei Zhang, Chun Jason Xue and Nan Guan. RTiL: Real-Time Inference of
Large Language Models on Memory-Constrained GPU Devices.
IEEE International Conference
on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Application (RTCSA), 2024.
Chenhao Wu, Ruoxiang Li, Naijun Zhan and Nan Guan. Improving the Reaction Latency
Analysis of Message Synchronization in ROS.
IEEE International Conference on Embedded
and Real-Time Computing Systems and Application (RTCSA), 2024.
Hongming Huang, Hong Xu and Nan Guan. Tianshu: Towards Accurate Measuring,
Modeling and Simulation of Deep Neural Networks.
International Multidisciplinary Modeling
and Simulation Multiconference (I3M), 2024.
Juxin Niu, Yunlong Yu, Wei Zhang and Nan Guan. Adaptive Checkpointing Method for
Intermittent Computing Systems.
International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), 2024.
Yao Chen, Xueli Fan, Qixin Wang, Nan Guan, Shuai Li and Zili Shao. Enabling Online Fault
Prediction in Adaptive Control: A Model Checker and Controller Co-Designed CPS Solution.
International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), 2024.
Weilan Wang, Yu Mao, Dongdong Tang, Hongchao Du, Nan Guan, Chun Jason
Xue. When Compression Meets Model Compression: Memory-Efficient Double Compression for Large Language Models.
International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (EMNLP), 2024.
Zikang Zhou, Haibo HU, Xinhong Chen, Jianping Wang, Nan Guan, Kui Wu, Yung-Hui
Li, Yu-Kai Huang, Chun Jason Xue. BehaviorGPT: Smart Agent Simulation for Autonomous
Driving with Next-Patch Prediction.
The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024.
Wenjing Sun, Yuan Zou, Nan Guan,
Xudong Zhang, Jie Fan, Yihao Meng.
IRFS: A CQF Scheduling Method Integrating Queue Resources and Flow Features in Time-Sensitive
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), 2024.
Qingqiang He, Nan Guan, Mingsong Lv.
Longer Is Shorter: Making Long Paths to Improve the Worst-Case Response Time of DAG Tasks.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits Systems (TCAD), 2024.
Qingqiang He, Nan Guan, Mingsong Lv, Xu Jiang and Wanli Chang.
The Shape of a DAG: Bounding the Response Time Using Long Paths.
Real-Time Systems (RTS), 2024
Qingqiang He, Yongzheng Sun, Xu Jiang, Mingsong Lv, Jinkyu Lee and Nan Guan.
Real-Time Scheduling for Parallel Tasks with Resource Reclamation.
Real-Time Systems (RTS), 2024
Songran Liu, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan, Zilong Wang, Minghe Yu and Wang Yi.
RTeX: an
Efficient and Timing-Predictable Multi-threaded Executor for ROS 2.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits Systems (TCAD), 2024.
Peng Chen, Hui Chen, Weichen Liu, Linbo Long, Wanli Chang and Nan Guan.
DAG-Order: An Order-Based Dynamic DAG Scheduling for Real-Time Networks-on-Chip.
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 2024.
Zhe Jiang, Kecheng Yang, Nathan Fisher, Nan Guan, Neil C. Audsley, Zheng Dong.
Hopscotch: A Hardware-Software Co-Design for Efficient Cache Resizing on Multi-Core SoCs.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 2024.
Ruoxiang Li, Xu Jiang, Zheng Dong, Jen-Ming Wu, Chun Jason Xue and Nan Guan.
Worst-Case Latency Analysis of Message Synchronization in ROS.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
(RTSS), 2023
Yue Tang, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan, Songran Liu, Xiantong Luo and Yi Wang.
Optimizing End-to-End Latency of Sporadic Cause-Effect Chains Using Priority Inheritance.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
(RTSS), 2023
Xiantong Luo, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan, Haochun Liang, Songran Liu and Wang Yi.
Modeling and Analysis of Inter-Process Communication Delay in ROS 2.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
(RTSS), 2023
Jinghao Sun, Tianyi Wang, Yang Li, Nan Guan, Zhishan Guo, Qingxu Deng and Guozhen Tan.
SEAM: An Optimal Message Synchronizer in ROS with Well-Bounded Time Disparity.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
(RTSS), 2023
Best Paper Award
Zhishan Guo, Sudharsan Vaidhun, Abdullah Al Arafat, Nan Guan and Kecheng Yang.
Stealing Static Slack via WCRT and Sporadic P-Servers in Deadline-Driven Scheduling.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
(RTSS), 2023
Zhihe Zhao, Neiwen Ling, Nan Guan and Guoliang Xing.
Miriam: Exploiting Elastic Kernels for Real-time Multi-DNN Inference on Edge GPU.
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
(SenSys), 2023
Zhihe Zhao, Neiwen Ling, Kaiwei Liu, Nan Guan and Guoliang Xing.
Poster Abstract: Unifying On-device Tensor Program Optimization through Large Foundation Model
ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
(SenSys), 2023, Poster
Yue Tang, Nan Guan, Xu Jiang, Zheng Dong and Wang Yi.
Reaction Time Analysis of Event-Triggered Processing Chains with Data Refreshing.
Design Automation Conference
(DAC), 2023
Zhe Jiang, Nathan Fisher, Nan Guan, and Zheng Dong.
BlueFace: Integrating an Accelerator into the Core's Pipeline through Algorithm-Interface Co-Design for Real-Time SoCs.
Design Automation Conference
(DAC), 2023
Haochun Liang, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan, Qingqiang He and Wang Yi.
Response Time Analysis and Optimization of DAG Tasks Exploiting Mutually Exclusive Execution.
Design Automation Conference
(DAC), 2023
Wenhong Ma, Xiangzhen Xiao, Guoqi Xie, Nan Guan and Yu Jiang and Wanli Chang.
Fault Tolerance in Time-Sensitive Networking with Mixed-Critical Traffic.
Design Automation Conference
(DAC), 2023
Ruoxiang Li, Tao Hu, Xu Jiang, Laiwen Li, Wenxuan Xing, Qingxu Deng and Nan Guan.
ROSGM: A Real-Time GPU Management Framework with Plug-In Policies for ROS 2.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
(RTAS), 2023
Jinghao Sun, Kailu Duan, Xisheng Li, Nan Guan, Zhishan Guo, Qingxu Deng, Guozhen Tan.
Real-Time Scheduling of Autonomous Driving System with Guaranteed Timing Correctness.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
(RTAS), 2023
Yue Tang, Nan Guan, Xu Jiang, Xiantong Luo and Wang Yi.
Real-Time Performance Analysis of Processing Systems on ROS2 Executors.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
(RTAS), 2023
Ruoxiang Li, Zheng Dong, Jen-Ming Wu, Chun Jason Xue and Nan Guan.
Modeling and Property Analysis of the Message Synchronization Policy in ROS.
IEEE International Conference on Mobility: Operations, Services, and Technologies
(MOST), 2023 Best Paper Runner-up
Wenjing Xie, Tao Hu, Neiwen Ling, Guoliang Xing, Shaoshan Liu, Nan Guan.
Timely Fusion of Surround Radar/Lidar for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving Systems.
Design, Automation and Test in Europe
(DATE), 2023
Qingqiang He, Nan Guan, Mingsong Lv and Zonghua Gu.
Parallelism in Real-Time Scheduling of DAG Tasks.
Design, Automation and Test in Europe
(DATE), 2023
Songran Liu, Mingsong Lv, Wei Zhang, Xu Jiang, Chuancai Gu, Tao Yang,
Wang Yi, Nan Guan.
Light Flash Write for Efficient Firmware Update on Energy-harvesting IoT Devices.
Design, Automation and Test in Europe
(DATE), 2023
Best Paper Nomination
Xu Jiang, Xiantong Luo, Nan Guan, Zheng Dong, Shaoshan Liu and Wang Yi.
Analysis and Optimization of Worst-Case Time Disparity in Cause-Effect Chains.
Design, Automation and Test in Europe
(DATE), 2023
Yun Huang, Nan Guan, Shuhan Bai, Tei-Wei Kuo and Jason Xue.
SERICO: Scheduling Real-Time I/O Requests in Computational Storage Drives.
Design, Automation and Test in Europe
(DATE), 2023
Zhihe Zhao, Xian Shuai, Neiwen Ling, Nan Guan, Zhenyu Yan, Guoliang Xing.
Moses: Efficient Exploitation of Cross-device Transferable Features for On-device Tensor Program Optimization
The 24th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications
(HotMobile), 2023
Menglong Cui, Mingsong Lv, Chuancai Gu, Tao Yang, Qiulin Chen, Nan Guan.
CrossChat: Instant Messaging across Different Apps on Mobile Devices.
The 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
(SAC), 2023
Yan Wang, Rong Su, Mingsong Lv, Nan
A multi-step estimation approach for optimal control strategies of interconnected systems with weakly connected topology.
Xu Jiang, Haochun Liang, Nan
Guan, Yue Tang, Lei Qiao, Wang Yi.
Scheduling Parallel Real-Time Tasks on Virtual Processors
. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems(TPDS),
Xu Jiang, Zewei Chen, Maolin Yang, Nan Guan, Yue Tang, Wang Yi.
A Unified Blocking Analysis for Parallel Tasks With Spin Locks Under Global Fixed Priority Scheduling.
IEEE Transactions on Computers
(TC), 2023
Xu Jiang, Nan Guan, Maolin Yang, Yang Wang, Yue Tang, Wang Yi.
Real-Time Scheduling of Parallel Task Graphs With Critical Sections Across Different Vertices.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
(TPDS), 2023
Tang Yue, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan, Dong Ji, Xiantong Luo, Wang Yi.
Comparing Communication Paradigms in Cause-Effect Chains.
IEEE Transactions on Computers
(TC), 2023
Tianyu Zhang, Tao Gong, Mingsong Lyu, Nan
Guan, Song Han, Xiaobo Sharon Hu.
Reliable Dynamic Packet Scheduling with Slot Sharing for Real-Time Wireless Networks
. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC),
Qingqiang He, Jinghao Sun, Nan
Guan, Mingsong Lv, and Zhenyu Sun.
Real-Time Scheduling of Conditional DAG Tasks with Intra-Task Priority Assignment
. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD),
Qingqiang He, Nan
Guan, Mingsong Lv, Xu Jiang and Wanli Chang.
Bounding the Response Time of DAG Tasks Using Long Paths
. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS),
2022 Outstanding Paper Award
Ruoxiang Li, Nan
Guan, Xu Jiang, Zhishan Guo, Zheng Dong and Mingsong Lv.
Worst-Case Time Disparity Analysis of Message Synchronization in ROS.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS),
Mingsong Lv, Xuemei Peng, Wenjing Xie and Nan
Task Allocation for Real-time Earth Observation Service with LEO Satellites.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS),
Xu Jiang, Dong Ji, Nan
Guan, Ruoxiang Li, Yue Tang and Yi Wang .
Real-Time Scheduling and Analysis of Processing Chains on Multi-threaded Executor in ROS 2.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS),
Ran Bi, Qingqiang He, Jinghao Sun, Zhenyu Sun, Zhishan Guo, Nan
Guan and Guozhen Tan.
Response Time Analysis for Prioritized DAG Task with Mutually Exclusive Vertices Authors.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS),
Seongtae Lee, Nan
Guan and Jinkyu Lee.
Design and Timing Guarantee for Non-Preemptive Gang Scheduling.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS),
Neiwen Ling, Xuan Huang, Zhihe Zhao, Nan
Guan, Zhenyu Yan, Guoliang Xing.
BlastNet: Exploiting Duo-Blocks for Cross-Processor Real-Time DNN Inference.
The 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys),
2022 Best Paper Nomination
Neiwen Ling, Yuze He, Nan
Guan, Heming Fu, Guoliang Xing.
Dataset: An Indoor Smart Traffic Dataset and Data Collection System.
The 5th International SenSys/BuildSys Workshop on Data (DATA),
Zhihe Zhao, Neiwen Ling, Nan
Guan, Guoliang Xing.
Poster Abstract: Aaron: Compile-time Kernel Adaptation for Multi-DNN Inference Acceleration on Edge GPU.
The 20th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys),
2022 Best Poster Award
Yang Wang, Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Mingsong Lv, Dong Ji and Wang Yi.
Scheduling and Analysis of Real-Time Tasks with Parallel Critical Sections.
Design Automation Conference
DAC, 2022
Dongdong Tang, Xuan Sun, Nan
Guan, Tei-Wei Kuo and Jason Xue Chun.
Accelerating LPAQ compression algorithm on FPGA.
International Conference on Field Programmable Technology
FPT, 2022
Wei Zhang, Jiangshan Yu, Qingqiang He, Nan Zhang, Nan
TICK: Tiny Client for Blockchains.
IEEE Internet of Things Journal
, 2022
Yufei Chen, Tingtao Li, Qinming Zhang, Wei Mao, Nan
Guan, Mei Tian, Hao Yu, Cheng Zhuo.
ANT-UNet: Accurate and Noise-Tolerant Segmentation for Pathology Image Processing.
ACM Journal of Emerging Technology of Computing Systems
, 2022
Shuangshuang Chang, Jinghao Sun, Zhixiong Hao, Qingxu Deng, Nan
Computing exact WCRT for typed DAG tasks on heterogeneous multi-core processors.
Journal of System Architecture
, 2022
Jinghao Sun, Tao Jin, Yekai Xue, Liwei Zhang, Jinrong Liu, Nan
Guan, Quan Zhou.
ompTG: From OpenMP Programs to Task Graphs.
Journal of System Architecture
, 2022
Yulong Wu, Weizhe Zhang, Nan
Guan, Yue Tang.
Improving Interference Analysis for Real-Time DAG Tasks Under Partitioned Scheduling.
IEEE Transactions on Computers
, 2022
Peng Chen, Hui Chen, Jun Zhou, Mengquan Li, Weichen Liu, Chunhua Xiao, Yiyuan Xie, Nan
Contention Minimization in Emerging SMART NoC via Direct and Indirect Routes.
IEEE Transactions on Computers
, 2022
Zhe Jiang, Xiaotian Dai, Pan Dong, Ran Wei, Dawei Yang, Neil C. Audsley, Nan
Toward an Analysable, Scalable, Energy-Efficient I/O Virtualization for Mixed-Criticality Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
, 2022
Zhe Jiang, Shuai Zhao, Ran Wei, Dawei Yang, Richard Paterson, Nan
Guan, Yan Zhuang, Neil C. Audsley.
Bridging the Pragmatic Gaps for Mixed-Criticality Systems in the Automotive Industry.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
, 2022
Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Haochun Liang, Yue Tang, Lei Qiao and Wang Yi.
Virtually-Federated Scheduling of Parallel Real-Time Tasks
. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2021
Jinghao Sun, Nan
Guan, Zhishan Guo, Yekai Xue, Jing He and Guozhen Tan.
Calculating Worst-Case Response Time Bounds for OpenMP Programs with Loop Structures. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2021
Menglong Cui, Mingsong Lv, Qingqiang He, Caiqi Zhang, Chuancai Gu, Tao Yang, Nan
PRUID: Practical User Interface Distribution for Multi-surface Computing
. Design Automation
Conference (DAC), 2021
Jinghao Sun, Nan
Guan, Rongxiao Shi, Guozhen Tan, Wang Yi.
Schedulability Analysis for Timed Automata With Tasks.
International Conference on Embedded Software(EMSOFT
2021), October, 2021.
Published in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,
Yue Tang, Nan
Guan, Zhiwei Feng, Xu Jiang, Wang Yi.
Response Time Analysis of Lazy Round Robin
. Design Automation and Test In Europe (DATE), 2021
Songran Liu, Wei Zhang, Mingsong Lv, Qiulin Chen, Nan
Surviving Transient Power Failures with SRAM Data Retention
. Design Automation and Test In Europe (DATE), 2021 )
Wei Zhang, Songran Liu, Mingsong Lv, Qiulin Chen, Nan
Intermittent Computing with Efficient State Backup by Asynchronous DMA
. Design Automation and Test In Europe (DATE), 2021
Qingqiang He, Mingsong Lv, Nan
Response Time Bounds for DAG Tasks with Arbitrary Intra-Task Priority Assignment
. Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), 2021
Peng Chen, Hui Chen, Jun Zhou, Di Liu, Shiqing Li, Weichen Liu, Wanli Chang, Nan
Partial order based non-preemptive communication scheduling towards real-time networks-on-chip
. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2021
Jinghao Sun, Nan
Guan, Xi Zhang, Yaoyao Chi, Feng Li.
Algorithms for Computing the WCRT bound of OpenMP Task Systems with Conditional Branches
. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2021
Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, He Du, Wang Yi, Weichen Liu.
On the Analysis of Parallel Real-Time Tasks with Spin Locks
. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2021
Shuai Zhao, Wanli Chang, Ran Wei, Weichen Liu, Nan
Guan, Alan Burns, Andy Wellings.
Priority Assignment on Partitioned Multiprocessor Systems with Shared Resources
. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2021
Peng Chen, Weichen Liu, Hui Chen, Shiqing Li, Mengquan Li, Lei Yang, Nan
Reduced Worst-Case Communication Latency Using Single-Cycle Multi-Hop Traversal Network-on-Chip. accepted to IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2021
Wei Zhang, Jiangshan Yu, Qingqiang He, Nan Zhang, Nan
TICK: Tiny Client for Blockchains. IEEE Internet of Things Journal
, 2021
Zimu Zheng, Qiong Chen, Cheng Fan, Nan Guan, Arun Vishwanath, Dan Wang, Fangming Liu.
An Edge Based Data-Driven Chiller Sequencing Framework for HVAC Electricity Consumption Reduction in Commercial Buildings. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, accepted
Xi Jin, Changqing Xia, Nan Guan, Peng Zeng.
Joint Algorithm of Message Fragmentation and No-Wait Scheduling for Time-Sensitive Networks. IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica , 2021
Yuhan Lin, Xi Jin, Tianyu Zhang, Meiling Han, Nan Guan, Qingxu Deng.
Queue assignment for fixed-priority real-time flows in time-sensitive networks: Hardness and algorithm. Journal of System Architecture, 2021
Junjie Yang, Guangyi Xu, Gang Chen, Nan Guan, Kai Huang.
Efficient runtime slack management for EDF-VD-based mixed-criticality scheduling. Journal of System Architecture, 2021
Ashikahmed Bhuiyan, Kecheng Yang, Samsil Arefin, Abusayeed Saifullah, Nan Guan, Zhishan Guo.
Mixed-criticality real-time scheduling of gang task systems. Real Time Systems , 2021
Yang Wang, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan, Zhishan Guo, Xue Liu, Wang Yi.
Partitioning-Based Scheduling of OpenMP Task Systems With Tied Tasks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel Distributed Systems, 2021
Yue Tang, Zhiwei Feng, Nan
Guan, Xu Jiang, Mingsong Lv, Qingxu Deng and Wang Yi.
Response Time Analysis and Priority Assignment of Processing Chains on ROS2 Executors.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium(RTSS
2020), December, 1-4, 2020.
Jinghao Sun, Rongxiao Shi, Kexuan Wang, Nan
Guan, Zhishan Guo.
Efficient Feasibility Analysis for Graph-based Real-Time Task Systems.
International Conference on Embedded Software(EMSOFT
2020), September, 20-25, 2020.
Published in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Best Paper Award
Songran Liu, Wei Zhang, Mingsong Lv, Qiulin Chen, Nan
LATICS: A Low-overhead Adaptive Task-based Intermittent Computing System.
International Conference on Embedded Software(EMSOFT
2020), September, 20-25, 2020.
Published in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,
Zhe Jiang, Shuai Zhao, Dong Pan, Dawei Yang, Nan
Guan, Neil Audsley and Ran Wei.
Re-Thinking Mixed-Criticality Architecture for Automotive Industry.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD
2020), Online Conference, October 18 - 21, 2020.
Jinghao Sun, Feng Li, Nan
Guan, Wentao Zhu, Minjie Xiang, Zhishan Guo and Wang Yi.
On Computing Exact WCRT for DAG Task.
57th Design Automation Conference (DAC
2020), San Francisco, US, July 19-23, 2020.
Maolin Yang, Zewei Chen, Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Hang Lei.
DPCP-p: A Distributed Locking Protocol for Parallel Real-Time Tasks.
57th Design Automation Conference (DAC
2020), San Francisco, US, July 19-23, 2020.
Jinghao Sun, Yaoyao Chi, Tianfei Xu, Lei Cao, Nan Guan, Zhishan Guo and Wang Yi.
On the Volume Calculation for Conditional DAG Tasks: Hardness and Algorithms.
Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE
2020), Grenoble, France, Mar 09-13, 2020.
Jiantong Jiang, Xue Liu, Juan Gómez-Luna, Nan
Guan , Qingxu Deng, Wei Zhang, Onur Mutlu and Zeke Wang
and Zhishan Guo.
Boyi: A Systematic Framework for Automatically Deciding the Best Execution Model for OpenCL Applications on FPGAs
28th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA
2020), California, US, Feb 23 - 25, 2020.
Peng Chen, Weichen Liu, Mengquan Li, Lei Yang, Nan
Contention Minimized Bypassing in SMART NoC
25th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC
2020), Beijing,China, Jan 13 - 16, 2020.
Xu Jiang, Jinghao Sun, Yue Tang, Nan
Utilization-Tensity Bound for Real-Time DAG Tasks under Global EDF Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2020
Jinghao Sun, Nan
Guan, Feng Li, Huimin Gao, Chang Shi, Wang Yi.
Real-time Scheduling and Analysis of OpenMP DAG Tasks Supporting Nested Parallelism. IEEE Transactions on Computers, accepted
Ashikahmed Bhuiyan, Di Liu, Aamir Khan, Abusayeed Saifullah, Nan
Guan, Zhishan Guo.
Energy-Efficient Parallel Real-Time Scheduling on Clustered Multi-Core
. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, accepted
Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Xiang Long, Han Wan.
Decomposition-based Real-Time
Scheduling of Parallel Tasks on Multi-core Platforms. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020
Jinghao Sun, Nan
Guan, Shuangshuang Chang, Feng Li, Qingxu Deng and Wang Yi.
Capacity Augmentation Function for Real-Time Parallel Tasks with Constrained Deadlines under GEDF Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020
Wei Zhang, Nan
Guan, Lei Ju, Yue Tang, Weichen Liu and Zhiping Jia.
Scope-Aware Useful Cache Block Calculation for Cache-Related Preemption Delay
Analysis with Set-Associative Data Caches. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020
Mengquan Li, Weichen Liu, Nan
Guan, Yiyuan Xie, Yaoyao Ye.
Hardware-Software Collaborative Thermal Sensing in Optical Network-on-Chip-based Manycore Systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2020
Kankan Wang, Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Di Liu, Weichen Liu, Qingxu Deng.
Real-Time Scheduling of DAG Tasks with Arbitrary Deadlines. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, accepted
Ameer Hamza Khan, Zili Shao, Shuai Li, Qixin Wang and Nan Guan.
Which is the Best PID Variant for Pneumatic Soft Robots? An Experimental Study. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
, accepted
Xi Jin, Changqing Xia, Nan
Guan, Chi Xu, Dong Li, Yue Yin, Peng Zeng.
Real-Time Scheduling of Massive Data in Time Sensitive Networks With a Limited Number of Schedule Entries. IEEE Access, 2020
Gang Chen, Nan
Guan, Kai Huang, Wang Yi.
Fault-tolerant real-time tasks scheduling with dynamic fault handling. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design, 2020
Zhiwei Feng, Nan
Guan, Wenchen Liu, Qingxu Deng, Xue Liu, Wang Yi.
Efficient drone hijacking detection using two-step GA-XGBoost. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design, 2020
Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Yue Tang, Xiang Long.
Real-time Scheduling of Parallel Tasks with Tight Deadlines. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design, 2020
Ashik Ahmed Bhuiyan, Kecheng Yang, Samsil Arefin, Abusayeed Saifullah, Nan
Guan and Zhishan Guo.
Mixed-Criticality Multicore Scheduling of Real-Time Gang Task Systems
40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS
2019), Hong Kong, 3-6 Dec, 2019. Outstanding Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award
Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Yue Tang, Weichen Liu and Hancong Duan.
Suspension-Based Locking Protocols for Parallel Real-Time Tasks
40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS
2019), Hong Kong, 3-6 Dec, 2019.
Zhe Jiang, Neil Audsley, Pan Dong, Nan
Guan, Xiaotian Dai and Lifeng Wei.
MCS-IOV: Real-time I/O Virtualization System for Mixed-Criticality Systems
40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS
2019), Hong Kong, 3-6 Dec, 2019.
Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Weichen Liu and Maolin Yang.
Scheduling and Analysis of Parallel
Real-Time Tasks with Semaphores.
Design Automation Conference (DAC
2019), Las Vegas, US, 2-6 June, 2019.
Jinghao Sun, Nan
Guan, Xiaoqing Wang, Chenhan Jin and Yaoyao Chi.
Real-Time Scheduling and Analysis of Synchronous OpenMP Task Systems with Tied Tasks.
Design Automation Conference (DAC
2019), Las Vegas, US, 2-6 June, 2019.
Jinghao Sun, Nan
Guan, Jingchang Sun and Yaoyao Chi.
Calculating Response-Time Bounds for OpenMP Task Systems with Conditional Branches.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS
2019), Montreal, Canada, Apr. 16-18, 2019.
Zhishan Guo, Ashikahmed Bhuiyan, Aamir Khan, Di Liu, Nan
Guan, Abusayeed Saifullah.
Energy-Efficient Real-Time Scheduling of DAGs on Clustered Multi-Core Platforms.
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS
2019), Montreal, Canada, Apr. 16-18, 2019.
Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Di Liu and Weichen Liu.
Analyzing GEDF Scheduling for Parallel
Real-Time Tasks with Arbitrary Deadlines.
Design Automation and Test In Europe (DATE
2019), Florence, Italy, Mar. 25-29, 2019.
Weichen Liu, Mengquan Li, Wanli Chang, Chunhua Xiao, Yiyuan Xie, Nan
Thermal Sensing Using Micro-ring Resonators in Optical Network-on-Chip.
Design Automation and Test In Europe (DATE
2019), Florence, Italy, Mar. 25-29, 2019.
Mengquan Li, Weichen Liu, Lei Yang, Peng Chen, Duo Liu, Nan Guan.
Routing in optical network-on-chip: minimizing contention with guaranteed thermal reliability.
24th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
2019), Tokyo, Japan, 21-24 Jan., 2019. Best Paper Award Nomination
Yi Zhang, Zhanwei Ling, Ran Cui, Mingsong Lv, Nan Guan, Qingxu Deng.
Detecting and Predicting Performance Degradation Caused by Impaired Cache Isolation.
The 25th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications(ICCD
2019), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Nov 17-20, 2019.
Yue Tang, Yuming Jiang, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan.
Pay-Burst-Only-Once in Real-Time Calculus.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design(RTCSA
2019), Hangzhou, China, Aug 18-21, 2019.
Yue Tang, Yuming Jiang, Nan Guan.
Improving the Analysis of GPC in Real-Time Calculus.
Symposium on Dependable Software Engineering
Theories, Tools and Applications(SETTA
2019), Shanghai, China, Nov 28-29, 2019.
Tao Yang, Qingxu Deng, Yue Tang, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan.
Semi-Federated Scheduling of Mixed-Criticality Systems for Sporadic DAG Tasks.
IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing
2019), Valencia, Spain, May 7-9, 2019.
Yue Tang, Yuming Jiang, Xu Jiang, Nan Guan.
Improving Multiprocessor Real-Time Systems with Bursty Inputs under Global EDF using Shapers.
IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing
2019), Valencia, Spain, 21-24 Jan., 2019. Best Paper Award
Lei Yang, Weichen Liu, Nan
Guan, Nikil Dutt.
Optimal Application Mapping and Scheduling for Network-on-Chips with Computation in STT-RAM based Router. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2019
Qingqiang He, Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Zhishan Guo.
Intra-Task Priority Assignment in Real-Time Scheduling of DAG Tasks on Multi-cores.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2019
Meiling Han, Nan
Guan, Jinghao Sun, Qingqiang He, Qingxu Deng, Weichen Liu.
Response Time Bounds for Typed DAG Parallel Tasks on Heterogeneous Multi-Cores. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2019
Zhiwei Feng, Nan
Guan, Mingsong Lv, Weichen Liu, Qingxu Deng, Xue Liu, Wang Yi.
Efficient UAV Hijacking Detection Method using Onboard Inertial Measurement Unit.
Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2019
Songran Liu, Nan
Guan, Weichen Liu, Dong Ji, Xue Liu and Wang Yi.
Leaking Your Engine
Speed By Spectrum Analysis of Real-Time Scheduling Sequences.. Journal of
System Architectures, 2019
He Du, Wei Zhang, Nan Guan and Wang Yi.
Scope-aware Data Cache Analysis for OpenMP Programs on Multi-core Processors..
Journal of
System Architectures, 2019
Nenggan Zheng, Qian Ma, Mengjie Jin, Shaomin Zhang, Nan
Guan, Qiang Yang, Jianhua Dai.
Abdominal-Waving Control of Tethered Bumblebees Based on Sarsa With Transformed Reward.
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019
- Gang Chen, Nan Guan, Di Liu, Qingqiang He, Kai Huang, Todor Stefanov, Wang Yi. Utilization-Based Scheduling of Flexible
Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Tasks.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2018.
- Di Liu, Nan Guan, Jelena Spasic, Gang Chen, Songran Liu, Todor Stefanov, Wang Yi. Scheduling Analysis of Imprecise Mixed-Criticality Real-Time Tasks.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2018.
- Weichen Liu, Lei Yang, Weiwen Jiang, Liang Feng, Nan Guan, Wei Zhang, Nikil D. Dutt. Thermal-aware Task Mapping on Dynamically Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip based Multi-processor System-on-Chip.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2018.
- Jinghao Sun, Nan Guan, Xu Jiang, Shuangshuang Chang, Zhishan Guo, Qingxu Deng,
and Wang Yi. A Capacity Augmentation Bound for Real-Time Constrained-Deadline Parallel
Tasks under GEDF.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and
Systems, as proceedings of ACM International Conference on Embedded
Software (EMSOFT) 2018.
- Gang Chen, Nan Guan, Biao Hu, Wang Yi. EDF-VD Scheduling of Flexible Mixed-Critcality System with Multiple-Shot Transitions.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and
Systems, as proceedings of ACM International Conference on Embedded
Software (EMSOFT) 2018.
- Wei Zhang, Nan Guan, Lei Ju, Weichen Liu. Analyzing Data Cache Related Preemption
Delay with Multiple Preemptions.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and
Systems, as proceedings of International Conference on Compilers, Architecture,
and Synthesis for Embedded Systems
(CASES) 2018.
Xi Jin, Nan
Guan, Changqing Xia, Jintao Wang Peng Zeng.
Abdominal-Waving Control of Tethered Bumblebees Based on Sarsa With Transformed Reward.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems , 2018
- Ashikahmed Bhuiyan, Zhishan Guo, Abusayeed Saifullah, Nan Guan, Haoyi Xiong. , Energy-Efficient Multi-Core Scheduling for Real-Time DAG Tasks.
ACM Transactions
on Embedded Computing Systems, 2018.
Zimu Zheng, Qiong Chen, Cheng Fan, Nan
Guan, Arun Vishwanath, Dan Wang, Fangming
Data Driven Chiller Sequencing for Reducing HVAC Electricity Consumption in Commercial Buildings.
The 9th International Conference on Future Energy Systems
2017), Karlsruhe, Germany, 12-15 June, 2018. Best Paper Award
Qingqiang He, Nan
Guan, Mingsong Lv and Wang Yi.
On the Consensus Mechanisms of Blockchain/DLT for Internet of Things.
The 13th International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems
2017), Graz, Austria, 6 - 8 June, 2018.
Xu Jiang, Nan
Guan, Xiang Long and Wang Yi.
Semi-Federated Scheduling of Parallel Real-Time Tasks on Multiprocessors.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
2017), Paris, France, December 05-08, 2017.
Yue Tang, Nan
Guan, Weichen Liu, Linh Thi Xuan Phan and Wang Yi.
Revisiting GPC and AND Connector in Real-Time Calculus.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
2017), Paris, France, December 05-08, 2017.
Jinghao Sun, Nan
Guan, Yang Wang, Qingqiang He and Wang Yi.
Scheduling and Analysis of Real-Time OpenMP Task Systems with Tied Tasks.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
2017), Paris, France, December 05-08, 2017.
Yang Wang, Nan
Guan, Jinghao Sun, Mingsong Lv, Qingqiang He, Tianzhang He, Wang Yi.
Benchmarking OpenMP Programs for Real-Time Scheduling.
The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA
2017), Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 16-18, 2017.
Shaheer Muhammad, Nan
Guan, Zili Shao, Shuai Li, Qixin Wang.
Efficient and Balanced Charging of Reconfigurable
Battery with Variable Power Supply.
The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA
2017), Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 16-18, 2017.
Zhishan Guo, Ashikahmed Bhuiyan, Abusayeed Saifullah, Nan
Guan, Haoyi Xiong.
Energy-Efficient Multi-Core Scheduling for Real-Time DAG Tasks.
The 29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS
2017), Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 27 - 30, 2017.
Jakaria Abdullah, Gaoyang Dai, Nan
Guan, Morteza Mohaqeqi, Wang Yi.
Towards a Tool: TIMES-Pro for Modeling, Analysis, Simulation and Implementation of Cyber-Physical Systems.
Models, Algorithms, Logics and Tools 2017: 623-639
Lei Yang, Weichen Liu, Peng Chen, Nan
Guan, Mengquan Li.
Task Mapping on SMART NoC: Contention Matters, Not the Distance. The 54th
IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC
2017, Austin, USA, June 18-22, 2017.
Kai Lampka, Wang Yi, Steffen Bondorf, Jens Schmitt, Nan
Generalized Finitary Real-Time Calculus.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
2017), Atlanta, GA, USA, 1-4 May 2017
Wei Zhang, Fan Gong, Lei Ju, Nan
Guan , Zhiping Jia.
Scope-aware Useful Cache Block Analysis for Data
Cache Related Preemption Delay. The 23rd IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
2017), Pittsburgh, PA, USA, April 18-21, 2017
Zhiwei Feng, Nan
Guan , Mingsong Lv, Weichen Liu, Qingxu Deng, Xue Liu and Wang Yi
Efficient Drone Hijacking Detection using Onboard Motion Sensors.
Design Automation and Test in Europe
2017), Laussanne, Switzerland, 27-31 March 2017
Lei Yang, Weichen Liu, Nan
Guan, Mengquan Li, Peng Chen, Edwin H. M. Sha
Dark Silicon-Aware Hardware-Software
Collaborated Design for Heterogeneous Many-Core
The 22nd Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
2017), Chiba/Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 January 2017
Weichen Liu, Peng Wang, Mengquan Li, Yiyuan Xie, Nan
Quantitative Modeling of Thermal-Optical Effects in Optical Networks-on-Chip.
The 27th ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
2017), Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 10-12, 2017
Shaheer Muhammad, Muhammad Usman Rafique, Shuai Li, Zili Shao, Qixin Wang, Nan
A Robust Algorithm for State-of-Charge Estimation With Gain Optimization.
Transactions on Industrial Informatics
2017), 2017
- Mingsong Lv, Nan Guan, Jan Reineke, Reinhard Wilhelm, Wang Yi. A Survey on Static Cache Analysis for Real-Time Systems.
Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems 3(1): 05:1-05:48 (2016).
- Tianyu Zhang, Nan Guan, Qingxu Deng, Wang Yi. Start time configuration for strictly periodic real-time task systems.
Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 66-67: 61-68 (2016).
- Jinghao Sun, Nan Guan,
Qingxu Deng, Peng Zeng, Wang Yi. Feasibility of Fork-Join Digraph
Real-Time Task Model: Hardness and Algorithms. ACM
Transactions on
Embedded Computing Systems.
Xu Jiang, Xiang Long, Nan
Guan, Han Wan.
On the Decomposition-based Global EDF Scheduling of Parallel Real-Time Tasks. The 37th
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS
2016), Porto, Portugal, November 29 - December 2, 2016.
Di Liu, Jelena Spasic, Nan
Guan, Gang Chen, Songran Liu, Todor Stefanov and Wang Yi.
EDF-VD Scheduling of Mixed-Criticality Systems with Degraded Quality Guarantees. The 37th
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS
2016), Porto, Portugal, November 29 - December 2, 2016.
Mingsong Lv, Nan
Guan, Ye Ma, Dong Ji, Erwin Knippel, Xue Liu, Wang Yi.
Speed Planning for Solar-Powered Electric Vehicles. The Seventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems.
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (e-Energy
2016), Waterloo, ON, Canada, June 21 - 24, 2016.
Morteza Mohaqeqi, Syed Md Jakaria Abdullah, Nan
Guan, Wang Yi.
Schedulability Analysis of synchronous Digraph Real-Time Tasks. The 28th
Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems.(ECRTS
2016), Toulouse, France, July 5-8, 2016.
Chuancai Gu, Nan
Guan, Zhiwei Feng, Qingxu Deng, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Wang Yi.
Transforming Real-Time Task Graphs to Improve Schedulability.
The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications.
2016), Daegu, South Korea, August 17-19, 2016. Best Paper Nomination
2015 and before
- Nan
Guan, Mengying Zhao, Jason Xue, Yongpan Liu, Wang Yi. Modular
Performance of Energy Harvesting Real-Time Networked Systems. The 36th
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2015), San Antonio, USA, 1-4
December, 2015.
- Aiping Tan, Qixin Wang, Nan
Guan, Qingxu Deng, Sharon Hu. Inter-Cell Channel Time-Slot Scheduling
for Multichannel Multiradio Cellular Fieldbuses. The 36th IEEE
Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2015), San Antonio, USA, 1-4
December, 2015.
- Nan Guan, Yue Tang, Jakaria
Abdullah, Martin Stigge, Wang Yi. Scalable Timing Analysis with
Refinement. The 21st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms
for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2015), 11-18 April,
2015, London, UK.
- Nan Guan, Yue Tang, Yang Wang,
Wang Yi. Delay Analysis of Structural Real-Time Workload. Design,
Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2015), Grenoble, France, March
- Hao Lin, Nan Guan, Wenyao Xu, Yangjie Wei, Wang Yi. Noninvasive and Continuous Blood
Pressure Monitoring using Wearable Body Sensor Networks. IEEE Intelligent
Systems, 2015.
- Yin Bi, Mingsong Lv, Wenyao Xu, Nan Guan, Wang Yi. AutoDietary: A Wearable Acoustic
Sensor System for Food Intake Recognition in Daily Life. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015.
- Pontus Ekberg, Nan Guan, Martin Stigge, Wang Yi. An Optimal Resource Sharing Protocol
for Generalized Multiframe Tasks. Journal of Logical and Algebric Method of Programming,
- Nan
Guan, Chuancai Gu, Martin Stigge, Qingxu Deng, Wang Yi. Approximate
Response Time Analysis of Real-Time Task Graphs. The 35th IEEE
Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2014), Rome, Italy, 2-5 December,
- Martin Stigge, Nan Guan, Wang Yi.
Refinement-based Exact Response-Time Analysis. Euromicro Conference on
Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2014), Madrid, Spain, July 8-11, 2014.
- Nan
Guan, Wang Yi. General and Efficient Response Time Analysis for EDF
Scheduling. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2014), Dresden,
Germany, March 24-28, 2014.
- Chuancai Gu, Nan
Guan, Qingxu Deng, Wang Yi. Partitioned Scheduling of Sporadic
Mixed-Criticality Systems on Multiprocessor Platforms. Design,
Automation and Test in Europe (DATE 2014), Dresden, Germany, March
24-28, 2014.
- Nan Guan, Mingsong Lv, Wang Yi, Ge Yu. WCET Analysis with MRU Cache: Challenging
LRU for Predictability. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 2014.
- Heiko
Falk, Alain Girault, Daniel Grund, Nan Guan, Bengt Jonsson, Peter
Marwedel, Jan Reineke, Christine Rochange, Reinhard Von Hanxleden,
Reinhard Wilhelm, Wang Yi. Building
Timing Predictable Embedded Systems. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,
2014. This is a white paper of Artist2, an European FP7 network of excellence on design of
embedded systems.
- Nan Guan, Wang Yi.
Finitary Real-Time Calculus: Efficient Performance Analysis of
Distributed Embedded Systems. The 34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium
(RTSS 2013), Vancouver, Canada, December 3-6, 2013.
- Nan
Guan, Xinping Yang, Mingsong Lv, Wang Yi. FIFO Cache Analysis for WCET
Estimation: A Quantitative Approach. Design, Automation and Test in
Europe (DATE 2013) Grenobel, France, March 18-22, 2013. Best Paper Award
- Nan
Guan, Mingsong Lv, Wang Yi, Ge Yu. WCET Analysis with MRU Cache:
Challenging LRU for Predictability. The 18th IEEE Real-Time and
Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2012) Beijing
China, April 16-19 2012.
- Nan Guan, Martin
Stigge,Wang Yi, Ge Yu. Parametric Utilization Bounds for Fixed-Priority
Multiprocessor Scheduling. The 26th IEEE International Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2012), May 21-25, 2012, Shanghai, China.
- Nan
Guan, Pontus Ekberg, Martin Stigge, Wang Yi. Effiective and Efficient
Scheduling for Certifiable Mixed Criticality Sporadic Task Systems. The
32nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2011), November 29 - December
2, 2011, Vienna, Austria.
- Martin Stigge, Pontus
Ekberg, Nan Guan, Wang Yi. The Digraph Real-Time Task Model. The 16th
IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS
2011) , April 11 - 14, 2011, Chicago, USA, Best Paper Nomination.
- Nan
Guan, Pontus Ekberg, Martin Stigge, Wang Yi. Resource Sharing Protocols
for Real-Time Task Graph Systems. The 23rd Euromicro Conference on
Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2011) , July 6 - 8, 2011, Porto, Portugal.
- Nan Guan, Wang Yi, Qingxu Deng, Zonghua Gu, Ge Yu. Schedulability Analysis for Non-
preemptive Fixed-Priority Multiprocessor Scheduling. Journal of Systems Architecture, 2011.
- Martin
Stigge, Pontus Ekberg, Nan Guan, Wang Yi. On the Tractability of
Digraph-Based Task Model. The 23rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time
Systems (ECRTS 2011) , July 6 - 8, 2011, Porto, Portugal.
- Mingsong Lv, Wang Yi, Nan Guan, Ge Yu.
Combining Abstract Interpretation with Model Checking for Timing
Analysis of Multicore Software. The 31st IEEE Real-Time Systems
Symposium (RTSS 2010) November 30 - December 3, 2010 San Diego, CA,
USA. Best Paper Nomination
- Nan Guan, Martin
Stigge, Wang Yi, Ge Yu. Fixed Priority Multiprocessor Scheduling with
Liu and Layland's Utilization Bound. The 16th IEEE Real-Time and
Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS 2010), April 12 -
15, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden. Best Paper Nomination
- Nan Guan, Martin Stigge, Wang
Yi, Ge Yu. New Response Time Bounds of Fixed Priority Multiprocessor
Scheduling. The 30th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2009), Dec
1-4, 2009 Washington, D.C., USA. Best Paper Award
- Nan
Guan, Martin Stigge, Wang Yi, Ge Yu. Cache-Aware Scheduling and
Analysis for Multicores. The 7th International Conference on Embedded
Software (EMSOFT 2009), Oct. 12-16, 2009, Grenoble, France
- Nan Guan, Wang Yi, Zonghua Gu, Qingxu
Deng, Ge Yu. New Schedulability Test Conditions for Non-Preemptive
Scheduling on Multiprocessor Platforms. The 29th IEEE Real-Time Systems
Symposium (RTSS 2008), Nov. 30 - Dec. 3, 2008, Barcelona, Spain.
- Nan Guan, Qingxu Deng, Zonghua Gu, Wenyao Xu, Ge Yu. Schedulability Analysis of
Preemptive and Non-preemptive EDF on Partially Runtime Reconfigurable FPGAs. ACM
Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 2008. (pdf)
- Zonghua Gu,
Mingxuan Yuan, Nan Guan, Mingsong Lv, Qingxu Deng, Ge Yu. Static
Scheduling and Software Synthesis of Dataflow Models with Symbolic
Model-Checking. The 28th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2007),
Tucson, Arizona, December 2007.