Due to the popularity of the Internet, we are
seeing more and more sophisticated techniques being developed
to support media applications in a distributed environment.
These applications include distributed image/audio/video retrieval
systems, distributed search engines, and distributed virtual
environments. In order for these applications to serve potentially
a large number of concurrent users while maintaining system
interactivity, we are also seeing more research effort on server
architectures and other supporting technologies, such as networking,
data delivery and data distribution. In this special issue,
we call for papers that present recent development on distributed
media technologies, distributed media server technologies, and
distributed media applications.
In this special issue, we call for original papers that describe novel distributed media technologies and their applications. We are particularly interested in systems that are applicable for the Internet environment. Areas of interests include, but not limited to:
Media streaming, compression
and synchronization techniques
Media server architectures,
including multi-server and grid-based architectures
Network supports and QoS
for media data transmission
Distributed media databases
and multi-modal query processing
Distributed image / audio
/ video / graphics applications
Prospective authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Information for Authors as published in any recent issue of the Transactions or
at http://www.ieee.org/organizations/society/sp/tmm/infotmm.html.
Note that all rules will apply with regarding to mandatory overlength page
charges and color charges. When accepted, a 10-page limit (in the final
publishing format) will be strictly enforced on all the papers included in
this special issue.
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the online IEEE
manuscript submission system at http://tmm-ieee.manuscriptcentral.com/.
When selecting a manuscript type, authors must click on Special Issue on
Distributed Media Technologies and Applications. Authors should follow the
instructions for the IEEE Transactions on Multimedia and indicate in the
Comments to the Editor-in-Chief that the manuscript is submitted for
publication in the Special Issue on Distributed Media Technologies and
Applications. A completed copyright form is required to be signed and faxed to
1-732-562-8905 at the time of submission. Please indicate the manuscript
number on the top of the page.
Note that once a paper is submitted, the system does not allow the authors to
submit revised version of the paper until the end of the review process.