Call for Papers

Game-Based Learning

Special Issue of IEEE Trans. on Learning Technologies

Guest Editors: Timothy Shih, Kurt Squire, and Rynson Lau


  Edutainment and serious games introduce a new important direction to practical technologies such as multimedia communications, human-computer interaction, and ubiquitous computing. This exciting outcome also points out the educational potential using computer games. Several commercially successful games, although not intentionally designed for, have interesting learning, socializing, and interaction strategies embedded in the games. These fundamental and intrinsic learning aspects of successful games must be investigated. How to explore pedagogical principles for serious games, to design and implement systems for Game-Based Learning (GBL), and to assess the achievement of student learning are essential focuses of the special issue.



In this special issue, we call for original papers that describe the design, implementation, evaluation and experimental study of practical Game-Based Learning systems. Areas of interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Game Based Collaborative Learning
  • Assessment of Learning Performance in GBL
  • Authoring Tools for GBL
  • Game Engine Development and Customization to GBL
  • Artificial Intelligent for GBL
  • On-Line and Mobile Game Technologies
  • Location-Aware Games and Ubiquitous Technologies
  • Multimodality Interactions in GBL
  • Evaluation and User Experiences of GBL Systems
  • Social Impacts of GBL
  • Educational Game Design


  Original papers for submission should be formatted and submitted according to the author guidelines. (You may refer to the submission steps when submitting your paper.) Papers with earlier results published in conferences are required to make substantial changes in contributions, elaboroations and/or experimental results. Recommendation of submission from top conferences related to GBL are also welcomed. Updated information of this call can be found at:

Schedule (Tentative):

Deadline for paper submission: December 1, 2009
Completion of first review:March 1, 2010
Revision due (first round):May 1, 2010
Final decision notification:June 1, 2010
Publication materials due:August 1, 2010
Publication date:December 2010 issue (tentative)

Guest Editors:

     Timothy Shih
     Dept. of Computer Science
Kurt Squire
Dept. of Curriculum & Instruction
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Rynson W.H. Lau
Dept. of Computer Science
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Last updated on November 25, 2009.