Saliency Detection


The human visual system can quickly identify regions in a scene that attract our attention. This ability is typically driven by low-level features, and is generally referred to as bottom-up saliency. On the other hand, if we are given a task to search for a specific type of objects, the search is then based on high-level features (sometimes together with low-level features). This is typically referred to as top-down saliency.

In this project, we are developing techniques to automatically detect salient objects from the input images. We are studying this saliency detection problem using both bottom-up and top-down approaches.

Learning to Detect Instance-level Salient Objects using Complementary Image Labels [paper]

Xin Tian*, Ke Xu*, Xin Yang, Baocai Yin, and Rynson Lau (* joint first authors)

International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), accepted


The key idea of this work is to leverage complementary image-level labels (class and subitizing) to train a salient instance detection model in a weakly-supervised manner, via synergically learning to predict salient objects, detecting object boundaries and locating instance centroids.


Input-Output: Given an input image, our network outputs an instance saliency map that indicates the individual salient instances. It requires only class labels and subitizing information as supervision in training.

Abstract. Existing salient instance detection (SID) methods typically learn from pixel-level annotated datasets. In this paper, we present the first weakly-supervised approach to the SID problem. Although weak supervision has been considered in general saliency detection, it is mainly based on using class labels for object localization. However, it is non-trivial to use only class labels to learn instance-aware saliency information, as salient instances with high semantic affinities may not be easily separated by the labels. As the subitizing information provides an instant judgement on the number of salient items, it is naturally related to detecting salient instances and may help separate instances of the same class while grouping different parts of the same instance. Inspired by this observation, we propose to use class and subitizing labels as weak supervision for the SID problem. We propose a novel weakly-supervised network with three branches: a Saliency Detection Branch leveraging class consistency information to locate candidate objects; a Boundary Detection Branch exploiting class discrepancy information to delineate object boundaries; and a Centroid Detection Branch using subitizing information to detect salient instance centroids. This complementary information is then fused to produce a salient instance map. To facilitate the learning process, we further propose a progressive training scheme to reduce label noise and the corresponding noise learned by the model, via reciprocating the model with progressive salient instance prediction and model refreshing. Our extensive evaluations show that the proposed method plays favorably against carefully designed baseline methods adapted from related tasks.


Scene Context-Aware Salient Object Detection [paper] [suppl] [video] [code] [dataset]

Avishek Siris, Jianbo Jiao, Gary Tam, Xianghua Xie, and Rynson Lau

Proc. IEEE ICCV, Oct. 2021


An overview of the proposed network. The model extracts semantic features from the Shared Context Segmentation Decoder. The decoder is trained to reconstruct features for generating Things and Stuff categories. The Semantic Scene Context Refinement (SSCR) module then utilizes the semantic features and multi-scale features to build the augmented scene context features, correlating the semantics of an image. The Contextual Instance Transformer (CIT) module inside the Salient Instance Network learns relationships between objects and scene context, to enhance saliency reasoning.


Input-Output: Given an input image, our proposed network outputs an object saliency map through explicitly exploiting semantic scene contexts.

Abstract. Salient object detection identifies objects in an image that grab visual attention. Although contextual features are considered in recent literature, they often fail in real-world complex scenarios. We observe that this is mainly due to two issues: First, most existing datasets consist of simple foregrounds and backgrounds that hardly represent real-life scenarios. Second, current methods only learn contextual features of salient objects, which are insufficient to model high-level semantics for saliency reasoning in complex scenes. To address these problems, we first construct a new large-scale dataset with complex scenes in this paper. We then propose a context-aware learning approach to explicitly exploit the semantic scene contexts. Specifically, two modules are proposed to achieve the goal: 1) a Semantic Scene Context Refinement module to enhance contextual features learned from salient objects with scene context, and 2) a Contextual Instance Transformer to learn contextual relations between objects and scene context. To our knowledge, such high-level semantic contextual information of image scenes is underexplored for saliency detection in the literature. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in complex scenarios for saliency detection, and transfers well to other existing datasets.


Weakly-Supervised Salient Object Detection with Saliency Bounding Boxes [paper]

Yuxuan Liu, Pengjie Wang, Ying Cao, Zijian Liang, and Rynson Lau

IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 30:4423-4435, 2021

(a) Images with saliency bounding boxes (SBBs) that are marked in red. (b) Saliency maps from an unsupervised method [2]. (c) Saliency maps from a model using image-level category labels as supervision [2]. (d) Saliency maps by our method using saliency bounding boxes as supervision. (e) Ground truth saliency maps.


Input-Output: Given an input image, our proposed model outputs a map of the salient objects. It requires only bounding box supervision in training.

Abstract. In this paper, we propose a novel form of weak supervision for salient object detection (SOD) based on saliency bounding boxes, which are minimum rectangular boxes enclosing the salient objects. Based on this idea, we propose a novel weakly-supervised SOD method, by predicting pixel-level pseudo ground truth saliency maps from just saliency bounding boxes. Our method first takes advantage of the unsupervised SOD methods to generate initial saliency maps and addresses the over/under prediction problems, to obtain the initial pseudo ground truth saliency maps.We then iteratively refine the initial pseudo ground truth by learning a multi-task map refinement network with saliency bounding boxes. Finally, the final pseudo saliency maps are used to supervise the training of a salient object detector. Experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art weakly-supervised methods.


Weakly-Supervised Saliency Detection via Salient Object Subitizing [paper]

Xiaoyang Zhang*, Xin Tan*, Jie Zhou, Lizhuang Ma, and Rynson Lau (* joint first authors)

IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 31(11):4370-4380, 2021


The pipeline of the proposed network, with the Saliency Subitizing Module (SSM), the Saliency Updating Module (SUM) and the refinement process. While SSM learns to generate the initial saliency masks using the subitizing information, without the need to use any unsupervised methods or random seeds, SUM helps iteratively refine the generated saliency masks.


Input-Output: Given an input image, our proposed model outputs a map of the salient objects. It requires only subitizing information as supervision in training.

Abstract. Salient object detection aims at detecting the most visually distinct objects and producing the corresponding masks. As the cost of pixel-level annotations is high, image tags are usually used as weak supervisions. However, an image tag can only be used to annotate one class of objects. In this paper, we introduce saliency subitizing as the weak supervision since it is class-agnostic. This allows the supervision to be aligned with the property of saliency detection, where the salient objects of an image could be from more than one class. To this end, we propose a model with two modules, Saliency Subitizing Module (SSM) and Saliency Updating Module (SUM). While SSM learns to generate the initial saliency masks using the subitizing information, without the need for any unsupervised methods or some random seeds, SUM helps iteratively refine the generated saliency masks. We conduct extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that our method outperforms other weakly-supervised methods and even performs comparable to some fully-supervised methods.


Tactile Sketch Saliency [paper] [suppl] [video] [data and code]

Jianbo Jiao, Ying Cao, Manfred Lau, and Rynson Lau

Proc. ACM Multimedia, Oct. 2020

Given an input sketch shown on the left of each pair of diagrams, we propose a novel problem of predicting the tactile saliency map shown on the right to indicate where people would likely grasp (e.g., for cup), press (e.g., for game controller) or touch (e.g., for statue) the object depicted by the sketch.

Input-Output: Given an input sketch, our network outputs a tactile saliency map that indicates where people tend to interact with the object depicted by the sketch.

Abstract. In this paper, we aim to understand the functionality of 2D sketches by predicting how humans would interact with the objects depicted by sketches in real life. Given a 2D sketch, we learn to predict a tactile saliency map for it, which represents where humans would grasp, press, or touch the object depicted by the sketch. We hypothesize that understanding 3D structure and category of the sketched object would help such tactile saliency reasoning. We thus propose to jointly predict the tactile saliency, depth map and semantic category of a sketch in an end-to-end learning-based framework. To train our model, we propose to synthesize training data by leveraging a collection of 3D shapes with 3D tactile saliency information. Experiments show that our model can predict accurate and plausible tactile saliency maps for both synthetic and real sketches. In addition, we also demonstrate that our predicted tactile saliency is beneficial to sketch recognition and sketch-based 3D shape retrieval, and enables us to establish part-based functional correspondences among sketches.

Weakly-supervised Salient Instance Detection (Oral - best student paper runner up) [paper] [suppl]

Xin Tian, Ke Xu, Xin Yang, Baocai Yin, and Rynson Lau

Proc. BMVC, Sept. 2020

Pipeline overview. Our SID model is trained only using image-level class and subitizing labels. It has three synergic branches: (1) a Boundary Detection Branch for detecting object boundaries using class discrepancy information; (2) a Saliency Detection Branch for detecting objects using class consistency information; (3) a Centroid Detection Branch for detecting salient instance centroids using subitizing information. A random walk method is further applied to fuse these information to obtain final salient instance mask.

Input-Output: Given an input image, our network outputs an instance saliency map that indicates the individual salient instances.

Abstract. Existing salient instance detection (SID) methods typically learn from pixel-level annotated datasets. In this paper, we present the first weakly-supervised approach to the SID problem. Although weak supervision has been considered in general saliency detection, it is mainly based on using class labels for object localization. However, it is non-trivial to use only class labels to learn instance-aware saliency information, as salient instances with high semantic affinities may not be easily separated by the labels. We note that subitizing information provides an instant judgement on the number of salient items, which naturally relates to detecting salient instances and may help separate instances of the same class while grouping different parts of the same instance. Inspired by this insight, we propose to use class and subitizing labels as weak supervision for the SID problem. We propose a novel weakly-supervised network with three branches: a Saliency Detection Branch leveraging class consistency information to locate candidate objects; a Boundary Detection Branch exploiting class discrepancy information to delineate object boundaries; and a Centroid Detection Branch using subitizing information to detect salient instance centroids. This complementary information is further fused to produce salient instance maps. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate that the proposed method plays favorably against carefully designed baseline methods adapted from related tasks.

Inferring Attention Shift Ranks of Objects for Image Saliency [paper] [suppl] [code and dataset]

Avishek Siris, Jianbo Jiao, Gary K.L. Tam, Xianghua Xie, and Rynson Lau

Proc. IEEE CVPR, June 2020

Comparison of the proposed method with state-of-the-art methods: RSDNet [1], S4Net [12], BASNet [45], CPD-R [60] and SCRN [61]. Each example in the top row shows the input image, ground-truth saliency map and ground-truth ranks, while for the following rows: (i) saliency prediction map, (ii) saliency prediction map with predicted rank of ground-truth object segments colourised on top, and (iii) corresponding map that contains only the predicted rank of ground-truth objects. The result in (iii) is leveraged to obtain the predicted saliency ranks for quantitative evaluation.

Input-Output: Given an input image, our network outputs a saliency map that indicates the attention shift ranks of the salient objects.

Abstract. Psychology studies and behavioural observation show that humans shift their attention from one location to another when viewing an image of a complex scene. This is due to the limited capacity of the human visual system in simultaneously processing multiple visual inputs. The sequential shifting of attention on objects in a non-task oriented viewing can be seen as a form of saliency ranking. Although there are methods proposed for predicting saliency rank, they are not able to model this human attention shift well, as they are primarily based on ranking saliency values from binary prediction. Following psychological studies, in this paper, we propose to predict the saliency rank by inferring human attention shift. Due to the lack of such data, we first construct a large-scale salient object ranking dataset. The saliency rank of objects is defined by the order that an observer attends to these objects based on attention shift. The final saliency rank is an average across the saliency ranks of multiple observers. We then propose a learning-based CNN to leverage both bottom-up and top-down attention mechanisms to predict the saliency rank. Experimental results show that the proposed network achieves state-of-the-art performances on salient object rank prediction.

Task-driven Webpage Saliency [paper] [suppl] [poster] [code] [model [dataset]

Quanlong Zheng, Jianbo Jiao, Ying Cao, and Rynson Lau

Proc. ECCV, Sept. 2018

Given an input webpage (a), our model can predict a different saliency map under a different task, e.g., information browsing (b), form filling (c) and shopping (d).

Input-Output: Given an input webpage and a specific task (e.g., information browsing, form filling and shopping), our network detects the saliency of the webpage that is specific to the given task.

Abstract. In this paper, we present an end-to-end learning framework for predicting task-driven visual saliency on webpages. Given a webpage, we propose a convolutional neural network to predict where people look at it under different task conditions. Inspired by the observation that given a specific task, human attention is strongly correlated with certain semantic components on a webpage (e.g., images, buttons and input boxes), our network explicitly disentangles saliency prediction into two independent sub-tasks: task-specific attention shift prediction and task-free saliency prediction. The task-specific branch estimates task-driven attention shift over a webpage from its semantic components, while the task-free branch infers visual saliency induced by visual features of the webpage. The outputs of the two branches are combined to produce the final prediction. Such a task decomposition framework allows us to efficiently learn our model from a small-scale task-driven saliency dataset with sparse labels (captured under a single task condition). Experimental results show that our method outperforms the baselines and prior works, achieving state-of-the-art performance on a newly collected benchmark dataset for task-driven webpage saliency detection.

Delving into Salient Object Subitizing and Detection [paper]

Shengfeng He, Jianbo Jiao, Xiaodan Zhang, Guoqiang Han, and Rynson Lau

Proc. IEEE ICCV, pp. 1059-1067, Oct. 2017

Input-Output: Given an input image, our network detects the number of salient objects in it and outputs a salient map containing the corresponding number of salient objects.

Abstract: Subitizing (i.e., instant judgement on the number) and detection of salient objects are human inborn abilities. These two tasks influence each other in the human visual system. In this paper, we delve into the complementarity of these two tasks. We propose a multi-task deep neural network with weight prediction for salient object detection, where the parameters of an adaptive weight layer are dynamically determined by an auxiliary subitizing network. The numerical representation of salient objects is therefore embedded into the spatial representation. The proposed joint network can be trained end-to-end using backpropagation. Experiments show the proposed multi-task network outperforms existing multi-task architectures, and the auxiliary subitizing network provides strong guidance to salient object detection by reducing false positives and producing coherent saliency maps. Moreover, the proposed method is an unconstrained method able to handle images with/without salient objects. Finally, we show state-of-the-art performance on different salient object datasets.

Exemplar-Driven Top-Down Saliency Detection via Deep Association [paper]

Shengfeng He and Rynson Lau

Proc. IEEE CVPR, pp. 5723-5732, June 2016

Input-Output: Given a number of exemplar images containing a specific type of objects and another query image, our network recognizes the common object type in the exemplar images and detect it from the query image.

Abstract: Top-down saliency detection is a knowledge-driven search task. While some previous methods aim to learn this "knowledge" from category-specific data, others transfer existing annotations in a large dataset through appearance matching. In contrast, we propose in this paper a locate-by-exemplar strategy. This approach is challenging, as we only use a few exemplars (up to 4) and the appearances among the query object and the exemplars can be very different. To address it, we design a two-stage deep model to learn the intra-class association between the exemplars and query objects. The first stage is for learning object-to-object association, and the second stage is to learn background discrimination. Extensive experimental evaluations show that the proposed method outperforms different baselines and the category-specific models. In addition, we explore the influence of exemplar properties, in terms of exemplar number and quality. Furthermore, we show that the learned model is a universal model and offers great generalization to unseen objects.

SuperCNN: A Superpixelwise Convolution Neural Network for Salient Object Detection [paper]

Shengfeng He, Rynson Lau, Wenxi Liu, Zhe Huang, and Qingxiong Yang

International Journal of Computer Vision, 115(3):330-344, Dec. 2015

Input-Output: Given an input image, our network detects the salient objects in it.

Abstract: Existing computational models for salient object detection primarily rely on hand-crafted features, which are only able to capture low-level contrast information. In this paper, we learn the hierarchical contrast features by formulating salient object detection as a binary labeling problem using deep learning techniques. A novel superpixelwise convolutional neural network approach, called SuperCNN, is proposed to learn the internal representations of saliency in an effi- cient manner. In contrast to the classical convolutional networks, SuperCNN has four main properties. First, the proposed method is able to learn the hierarchical contrast features, as it is fed by two meaningful superpixel sequences, which is much more effective for detecting salient regions than feeding raw image pixels. Second, as SuperCNN recovers the contextual information among superpixels, it enables large context to be involved in the analysis efficiently. Third, benefiting from the superpixelwise mechanism, the required number of predictions for a densely labeled map is hugely reduced. Fourth, saliency can be detected independent of region size by utilizing a multiscale network structure. Experiments show that SuperCNN can robustly detect salient objects and outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on three benchmark datasets.

Saliency-Guided Color-to-Gray Conversion using Region-based Optimization [paper] [suppl] [code] [demo] [CSDD Dataset] [Results on CSDD] [Result on Cadik]

Hao Du, Shengfeng He, Bin Sheng, Lizhaung Ma, and Rynson Lau

IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 24(1):434-443, Jan. 2015

Input-Output: Given an input color image, our method converts it into an output grayscale image.

Abstract: Image decolorization is a fundamental problem for many real world applications, including monochrome printing and photograph rendering. In this paper, we propose a new color-to-gray conversion method that is based on a region-based saliency model. First, we construct a parametric color-to-gray mapping function based on global color information as well as local contrast. Second, we propose a region-based saliency model that computes visual contrast among pixel regions. Third, we minimize the salience difference between the original color image and the output grayscale image in order to preserve contrast discrimination. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method in preserving contrast in complex scenarios, we have constructed a new decolorization dataset with 22 images, each of which contains abundant colors and patterns. Extensive experimental evaluations on the existing and the new datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods quantitatively and qualitatively.

Saliency Detection with Flash and No-flash Image Pairs [paper] [suppl] [dataset]

Shengfeng He and Rynson Lau

Proc. ECCV, pp. 110-124, Sept. 2014.

Input-Output: Given a pair of flash/no-flash images, our method outputs the corresponding salient map.

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new saliency detection method using a pair of flash and no-flash images. Our approach is inspired by two observations. First, only the foreground objects are significantly brightened by the flash as they are relatively nearer to the camera than the background. Second, the brightness variations introduced by the flash provide hints to surface orientation changes. Accordingly, the first observation is explored to form the background prior to eliminate background distraction. The second observation provides a new orientation cue to compute surface orientation contrast. These photometric cues from the two observations are independent of visual attributes like color, and they provide new and robust distinctiveness to support salient object detection. The second observation further leads to the introduction of new spatial priors to constrain the regions rendered salient to be compact both in the image plane and in 3D space. We have constructed a new flash/no-flash image dataset. Experiments on this dataset show that the proposed method successfully identifies salient objects from various challenging scenes that the state-of-the-art methods usually fail.

Last updated in November 2021.