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The trees do not have the same leaf sets. Out of memory. Error in a temporary file error in isolated: Elapsed time: %ld unknown error. unknown error2. %d Failed to initialize the stack. Empty expression. Bad expression 1. Bad expression 2. %d %d Bad expression 3. Bad expression 4. Bad expression 6. Bad expression 7. Bad expression 8. Failed to open a temporary file %cThe two trees do not have the same leaf sets. %s#H%d(,)leaf %d %d has children %d, %d leaf %d with mate %d and debug %d, type %d from Tree %d leaf %d and debug %d, type %d from Tree %d %d has children %d from tree %d, %d from tree %d and type %d, debug %d from Tree %d and mate %d error in the direct array Out of memory 15 failed to insert a datum in the data structure ********** Start of Solution %d ********* The leaf sets of the trees in an MAAF are: The extended Newick representation of a network (constructed from the MAAF) with the minimum number of reticulation vertices is: ********** End of Solution %d ********** Tree 1 is not a tree. Leaf: %d About to cut the dummy node off Tree 1. found a unifurcate node. About to cut off the dummy in Tree 2 (2) Tree 2 is not a tree. Leaf: %d About to cut off the dummy in Tree 2 (1) Empty forests. check tree %d in forest %d: Forest 2 is inconsistent with Tree 1. Out of memory. 14 Hybridization number: %d gBound: %d #(already cuts): %d #(remain cuts): %d rSPR distance: %d The leaf sets of the trees in an MAF are: left: %d right: %d depth: %d . 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