MSBE Online Document


Input data
Running MSBE
   Constant bi-cluster
   Additive bi-cluster


MSBE is a tool for the analysis of gene expression data using a new bi-clustering method. It can find constant bi-clusters and additive bi-clusters. MSBE is now available for Linux and Windows XP. MSBE is implemented in Java. To run MSBE, Sun's Java Running Environment (JRE) 5.0 is required. If JRE is not installed, please go to to download and install the JRE.



1. Download the file MSBE_linux_1.0.5.tar.gz. Click here.

2. Extract the downloaded file.

tar xvfz MSBE_linux_1.0.5.tar.gz
cd MSBE_linux_1.0.5

3. Make sure that execute permission is set on the setup shell script

chmod +x

4. Run the setup shell script


5. Move the two generated shell scripts constantBi and additiveBi to a /bin directory.
For example

mv constantBi ~/bin
mv additiveBi ~/bin

Windows XP

1. Download the file Click here.

2. Installation. Extract the file "". Double click the batch file "setup.bat" to install.

Input data

In the input file, the expression values in the data file are the the values precessed by logarithm from the raw expression data. The separating token of the input file is tab delimiter. The first line contains condition names. The first column contains the gene names. Non-missing elements are represented by strings of real numbers. Missing elements are represented by empty strings. All elements are tab delimited. For example, see file input_example.dat.

Running MSBE

1. Constant bi-cluster

Run constantBi with seven arguments: (1) input file name (2) alpha (3) beta (4) gamma (5) reference gene mode (6) reference gene (7) result file name. Input file name and result file name are self explanatory. Alpha, beta and gamma are three real number arguments discussed in the paper. The fifth and the sixth arguments designate the reference genes. We will illustrate the usage of the two arguments by examples. Suppose the input file name is "input_example.dat", the result file name is "result_example.txt", alpha = 0.4, beta = 0.5 and gamma = 1.2.

2. Additive bi-cluster

Run additiveBi with nine arguments: (1) input file name (2) alpha (3) beta (4) gamma (5) reference gene mode (6) reference gene (7) reference condition mode (8) reference condition (9) result file name. Beside of the seventh and the eighth arguments, the other seven arguments are the same with constantBi. The seventh and the eighth arguments designate the reference conditions. Similar with the reference genes, there are three cases. Suppose the input file name is "input_example.dat", the result file name is "result_example.txt", alpha = 0.4, beta = 0.5, gamma = 1.2 and the reference gene is the 1st gene.


In the bi-clustering result file, the discovered bi-clusters are arranged by the decreasing order of their sizes . Each bi-cluster is described using three lines. For constant bi-clusters, the first line contains the serial number, the number of genes, the number of conditions, the reference gene and the average similarity of the bi-cluster. For additive bi-clusters, the first line contains the serial number, the number of genes, the number of conditions, the reference gene, the reference condition and the average similarity of the bi-cluster. The second line is the list of the genes of the bi-cluster and the third line is the list of conditions of the bi-cluster. For example, see constant_result_example.txt and additive_result_example.txt and.