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Solving the %d-th problem: Hybridization number: %d Number of solutions: %d Total time: %ld rSPR distance: %d error: isolatedrSPRDist is: %d Time: %ld Out of memory 13Error in file %s Out of memory. 12Out of memory. 11File %s is empty MAAFMAAFsrSPRDistMAFsbad option.okay? Y(yes)%cunknown error.unknown error2.Bad expression 8.%d %d Bad expression 7.Bad expression 6.Bad expression 4.Bad expression 3.Bad expression 2.Bad expression 1.Empty expression.Out of memory.#H%d%serror in the direct arrayOut of memory 15found a unifurcate node.Too long solution.inconsistent hybNum.Out of memory. 14inconsistent rSPR distance.rOut of memory 24Out of memory 23Out of memory 22Unifurcate tree.nodes in tree 0: %d Empty forests. check tree %d in forest %d: address is %p Out of memory 1000.error in tree children 2error in tree children 1inconsistant tip list 2inconsistant tip listCreate graph: %d: %d has children %d, %d leaf %d and mate %d #leaves 1: %d #leaves 2: %d bad specification of heuristics.Usage: FastHN tree1.newick tree2.newick Option [Heuristic]1. Save the file FastHN.exe in a folder (say, folderA);2. Run cmd.exe and use the "cd" command to move to "folderA";3. Create two files (say, t1.txt and t2.txt) each containing a tree in Newick format;4. Save the files (t1.txt and t2.txt) in "folderA";5. Type "FastHN t1.txt t2.txt Option [Heuristic]" in the command line, where Option is a string in {HN, MAAF, MAAFs, rSPRDist, MAF, MAFs} and Heuristic is either a string in {000, 001, ..., 111} or omitted.Failed to initialize the stack.Too long or too short solution.Already memorized one solution.failed to insert a datum in the data structureTree 1 is not a tree. Leaf: %d About to cut the dummy node off Tree 1.Tree 2 is not a tree. Leaf: %d About to cut off the dummy in Tree 2 (2)About to cut off the dummy in Tree 2 (1)Forest 2 is inconsistent with Tree 1.The two trees do not have the same leaf sets.Failed to open a necessary filewrong number of non-root and non-leaf nodes.#nodes in tree 0: %d, #nodes in tree 1: %d, size is %d. Root leaf %d with mate %d, origin %p, and debug %d Non-root leaf %d with mate %d, parent %d, origin %p, and debug %d internal node %d with mate %d, max %d, min %d, and debug %d Root %d has children %d, %d, origin %p, and debug %d %d has children %d, %d , parent %d, origin %p, and debug %d ********** Start of Solution %d ********* The leaf sets of the trees in an MAAF:********** End of Solution %d ********** The extended Newick representation of a network (constructed from the MAAF) with the minimum number of reticulation vertices is: The leaf sets of the trees in an MAF:%d has left child %d and right child %d %d has children %d from tree %d, %d from tree %d and type %d, debug %d from Tree %dleaf %d with mate %d and debug %d, type %d from Tree %d leaf %d and debug %d, type %d from Tree %d *******The %d-th problem:****** left: %d right: %d depth: %d 7 ؅ H (7 oЄooL6&6FVfvƆֆ&6FVfGCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-58)GCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-58)GCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-59)GCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-59)GCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-59)GCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-59)GCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-59)GCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-58).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame.data.dynamic.ctors.dtors.jcr.got.bss.comment#(( 1HH7 ?Go6ToЄ@c l    u؅p{pp8ęq 8&8<6<L6L77$7$(7(l7x4< D ܻ(HЄ  ؅  p  8&<6L677$7(77 7*788&K$7XD6\7h ~ 7 78&$7 77777 7777 !7)72787B7I7O7[7b7f7m88H6  DE  d P |E   x    4T *w 2~ BL6Kx W o aA h$3 uo % #0@ <6\. 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