Carousell Singapore Office Visit


According to the plan, we headed out to the Carousell office at 10:00 am and reached the office by 10:30 am. After a quick introduction, office workers invited us for a presentation session where students had an opportunity to study and learn from world-class developers and project managers.

Business Model

First, we were introduced to the business-related part of Carousell. The speaker showed and explained to us why and how Carousell succeeded in Asia. Being a first in the market, they tried to capture all the fields such as housing, vehicle and secondhand item sales; they became the first company that comes into our minds when considering selling or buying a secondary item.

Backend Architecture

Later, the Carousell engineering team lead shared an IT structure of the business. As students studying Computer Science, this was the most exciting part where we looked into the real world of IT. Starting from Software Design Processes to patterns, the Carousell app represented a role model application built and done right. We looked into the back-end architecture of the application, and students were impressed by the single-app nature of Carousell. That means the Carousell team writes only one application for all its serving regions and uses different compiler build flags; they customize the final product according to the market needs.

After the presentation

After a presentation session, the company and university team shared their gifts. Additionally, students could win an extra prize by winning a Kahoot game. Pang and Hai led the chart and won a special award from the company.

Overall, students learned a lot from the visit, and we are grateful to the Carousell team for sharing their experience with us!