Game theory and social choice are very popular research topics in the study of multi-agent systems. Being rich by themselves, they are also interacting with other research domains, generating many interesting results.
The objective of the summer school is to provide fundamental knowledge in game theory and social choice to researchers or research students who may find the topics useful in their own research or senior undergraduate students who are looking for potential research directions.
At the same time, the students will also have the opportunity to learn about the state of the art in these fields via keynote talks.
The summer school is organized by Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong via zoom during June 26 - July 2 , 2023. The intended participants of the summer school are students within computer science, or students with mathematics or economics background interested in game theory and social choice.
Keynote Speaker List:
- Xiaotie Deng, Peking University
- Herve Moulin, University of Glasgow
- Makoto Yokoo, Kyushu University
Invited Speaker List:
- Georgios Birmpas, The University of Liverpool
- Zhigang Cao, Beijing Jiaotong University
- Hau Chan, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Lin Chen, Texas Tech University
- Jing Chen, Algorand Inc
- Xujin Chen, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Yukun Cheng, Suzhou University of Science and Technology
- Jiarui Gan, University of Oxford
- Piotr Faliszewski, AGH University of Science and Technology
- Hadi Hosseini, Penn State University
- Zhiyi Huang, University of Hong Kong
- Nicholas Mattei, Tulane University
- Sujoy Sikdar, Binghamton University, State University of New York
- Mashbat Suzuki, UNSW Sydney
- Biaoshuai Tao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Paolo Turrini, University of Warwick
- Changjun Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Zihe Wang, Renmin University of China
- Yong Zhang, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Dengji Zhao, ShanghaiTech University
Tutorial Speaker List:
- Shengxin Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
- Zhengyang Liu, Beijing Institute of Technology
- Zhihao Tang, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
- Chenhao Wang, Beijing Normal University
Program Timetable
Period/Day (HK GMT+8) Monday
26, JuneTuesday
27, JuneWednesday
28, JuneThursday
29, JuneFriday
30, JuneSaturday
1, July09:00-10:00 Sujoy Sikdar Hadi Hosseini Dengji Zhao Makoto Yokoo Xiaotie Deng PhD forum 10:00-11:00 Shengxin Liu Zhengyang Liu Chenhao Wang Hau Chan Zhiyi Huang 11:00-12:00 Biaoshuai Tao Zihe Wang 12:00-14:00 Break 14:00-15:00 Zhihao Tang Jing Chen Yong Zhang Changjun Wang Xujin Chen PhD forum 15:00-16:00 Herve Moulin Piotr Faliszewski Jiarui Gan Zhigang Cao Yukun Cheng 16:00-17:00 Nicholas Mattei Paolo Turrini Georgios Birmpas Mashbat Suzuki Lin Chen 17:00-18:00
There will be no registration fee.
Please fill in the google form by 20 June, 2023. If quota allows, we will send you the participation information before 22 June, 2023.
An e-certificate of attendance will be issued on request based on the actual attendance record.
Previous Summer School
Summer School on Game Theory and Social Choice 2021
Summer School on Game Theory and Social Choice 2022
CCF TC-Theoretical Computer Science
Contact Person
- LI Minming
- Bo Li, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The summer school is jointly hosted by Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong and School of Mathematical Sciences, Ocean University of China.
The onsite sessions are hosted and sponsored by School of Mathematical Sciences, Ocean University of China